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Chapter: 2.

Have You Ever Experienced A HeartBreaking Betrayal?

"Alexander, you should buy a house, let's get married before the baby comes." She had suggested.

"But, Maria--"

"I'm not having any children out of wedlock, Alexander. If you're not ready then we terminate the pregnancy."

"What?" He gawked at the fuming lady. Of course, he wouldn't do that to his child. It's not like he wasn't ready but her demands were too high and he didn't have enough to meet all of them. It was all too sudden but of course, it doesn't mean he would want her to remove the baby. What kind of a man would that make him? Why would she even think that? That was never in his thoughts. "Please, don't speak like that, Maria, that's our child, my first baby, my love, and we won't do such a thing."

"Then buy a house."

"Can't we get married and still live here?" It's not a bad community. Yes, it was a cheap place but isn't happiness what matters in situations such as this? There is time for everything they say, they may have started here but one day he would be able to afford them a better luxurious home and grand living. Surely, she should be able to understand that.

"We are not raising a child in this unsafe neighborhood."

Unsafe, she says. This neighborhood has taken care of him since he dropped out of school and left home. She has lived here with him for years and now it's unsafe. He understands she wanted the best for their child but now isn't the best time.

Of course, we all desire better things in life but when one can't afford them you make do with what you have and work towards the better ones. Together they can achieve those better things but it would require great work and planning.

"But baby, you know I don't have that much money, you just got out of school and what little I have left can only get us a house but can't afford a wedding not the type you've always wanted, and you know I want to give you the wedding of your dreams, you've always fantasized about your wedding, how glamorous you would want it. I want that for you too, but we can only do one and not the other, my love, not now."

She wasn't happy with his reply. She wanted both. She couldn't have one and not the other.

"Why not give it a few months of work and savings, maybe two or three months, get a loan from your Boss, he can begin to take it in part from your salary, that way we can do both, please, my love, I want this, it will make me so happy."

That word, 'make me happy' always seems like his trigger button. Once he hears that, he would do anything to make sure she is happy, it was like his first priority and so he did. He went to his boss, told him about his wedding plans, and requested that he loan him some money. After signing a lot of paper agreements for their deal, he got the loan and immediately got Maria the house she wanted, in a fancy gated community and once they had moved and settled down in their new place, he gave her her fantasy wedding.

She was like a queen bee on that day, there was little bounce in her steps, looking elegant and exceptionally happy. Her friends envied her and, she wouldn't stop flaunting. The day eventually came to an end and while they drove home, she told him she wasn't going to kiss him as little as a kiss until he gave her a worthy honeymoon.

"What is this worthy honeymoon?" He has asked, confused. Sometimes, she speaks like a stranger with a foreign language he had never before heard.

"A five-star hotel, a trip on the ocean, I want to feel the sun glow magnificently on my skin, to listen to the waves of the sea, while dancing under the starry sky, with fancy dinner nights."

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt