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Chapter: 130.

Both men walked around the new construction site with the Engineer following closely behind them, pointing out and reporting specific details as he did so. This was his most recent project, another Casino Hotel in the very heart of Mayfair City. As the man spoke, both men nodded along with a few words here or there. It looked impressive, to say the least; it was an enormous structure in the middle of the city, the entire structure rising at least thirty meters above its foundation. It would be the tallest building in Mayfair and if this were a movie set then everyone would be looking at it like they've just seen God's own castle. When Matthew suggested that he expand his horizons, 'Reach farther, my brother, there's a whole world out there, pitch your nests, mark your claims, make names' to put it in his exact words, Michael laughed at his twin but now he is glad to be taking his advice. Before they left for the airport that morning both he and Easton had a little argument over hitting Allison, he doesn't even remember he did that, how badly these two friends hold grudges, it beats him. The more time he spent with Easton the more he saw similarities with the man his brother often talk about. His Alexander. No wonder they made such a great pair as best friends. His fingers unconsciously went to the corner of his lips where Easton had delivered a blow and a smirk crossed his lips at the thought.


"Why did you hit Allison?" Easton demanded angrily once he came out of the bathroom.

"She and her mother just moved in and you know, I wasn't exactly a kids person at the time, normally I come home, and everywhere is spotless but once there was a kid in the house, nothing was the same anymore, you put something here you find it there. She has the largest room in the house. I made sure of that, stuffed it with all kinds of toys and dollhouses, really tall ones even taller than she is but apparently kids don't understand boundaries which is why she developed this habit of crawling into my office. I never kept my office under lock and I only began to do that from that day. I returned and walked in and there she was holding my broken laptop, my important documents littered the floor, I lost it and I regretted my actions. I've tried to make it up to her ever since and I think she forgave me."

"So, you hit her?"

"I was angry?"

"She's a child, she couldn't have known any better!" Easton shouted, exasperated.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, shame-filled his face at the thought, damn, he's nearly forgotten about that.

"Forgive me..." Easton started and the other raised a questioning brow.

"For what-" A punch met his lips and Michael stumbled from the force, not expecting the attack at all, his right hand went straight to his now broken lips, wiping blood from them.

"For that!" Easton shoved him aside and walked into the bathroom.

"Damn, babe!" Michael yelled and began to laugh.

"You're an idiot." Easton retorted.


That punch was a turn-on, he had to say. Easton caught the man touching his lips and slapped the hand away, it seemed to have knocked him back into the present as he shook his head and cleared his throat.

The two men walked past what had to be at least fifty other workers working in the place. Some were carrying heavy boxes, some walking with huge stacks of supplies, others with small tools in hand, and a few others simply running around the area, doing different jobs around their respective tasks. The three men stopped before one of the larger machines; a tall crane that was standing proud, towering over everything else that stood next to it. The crane itself was massive, easily over twenty feet tall if not taller. Other trucks and machinery stood nearby each ladened with different pieces of equipment, some even sitting on the floor of the truck bed. The first supervisor noticed the attention the two newcomers were receiving from the workers around him.

"Excuse me, gentlemen," He said as he came up next to them. "You may want to step away from this area, these are still unstable." He gestured for them to step back, almost nearly shoving Easton behind but instead of moving back the Engineer came to stand beside the man and gently nudged his arm he replied.

"It's okay, Mr. Lee, this is Michael Clayton and his partner," Aaron informed and gave the now shocked man a slight smile.

Realizing he had spoken directly to the owner of the Casino and almost touched his partner, Lee bowed quickly and apologized profusely. "Sirs, I am deeply sorry!" He exclaimed. His head lowered slightly towards both of them and after a couple of seconds, he raised his head, trying to regain composure.

Michael watched the man with a tight lip, his grace was that he didn't touch Easton, he would have been walking out of there that instant. "Ah, that's alright, you don't have to apologize, Mr?" Michael asked.

Lee's face lit up once more. "I am George Lee, and I do hope you'll accept my humble apology, sir," Lee said and then motioned towards his crew. "And please feel free to make your comments to them as well!"

The two men glanced over to the said group. They were all looking at them expectantly, nodding their greetings, and waiting patiently for them to speak. "No, no it's alright," Michael assured the workers and smiled at them, with a wave of his hand he dismissed them and they all scattered into their positions. He turned back to the employee. "I'm familiar with all your crew members, this wouldn't be my first visit but you, I have not seen before. Mr. Davis?" He charged toward the Engineer who immediately began to explain.

"Mr. Khan is on paternity leave, Sir, and Mr. Lee is his replacement." He explained and Michael nodded with a frown.

"Why wasn't I informed that his wife had delivered her baby?" He questioned and watched as Mr. Lee seemed to become uneasy under his gaze.

The Engineer shook his head frantically and tried to explain himself quickly. "I apologize, Sir, it must have skipped my mind at the time, we have been busy and it's hardly ever time left to remember other things..." He trailed off and stared down at his shoes. Michael stared silently at him for a moment. The silence was becoming too much and he began fidgeting awkwardly. Eventually, however, Michael took pity on the poor man and stepped forward to slowly raise his hand and bring it down on his shoulder blade. "Ah, it's alright, Aaron, I understand, but it is your responsibility to call Khan and his wife and apologize as well as explain to them why their baby gifts are coming rather too late, hmm."

Nodding, Aaron smiled and bowed again. "Sir, yes sir! I will take care of it!" He vowed with nervous chuckles.

Michael turned to beckon his Assistant over. The young man got closer and bowed slightly.


"Have Brayton call Baby World and leave them Khan's address." He instructed and the Assistant nodded and with a bow, he scurried away. Michael watched him go with a sigh before turning back to Lee. "Now," He continued. "If you'd allow me, I would like to take a tour around your facility." Nodding eagerly, Mr. Lee moved aside and the men walked through the doors and onto the concrete floor of the building.

It was large; perhaps six times the size of the first level of a highrise hotel. The ceiling was at least forty stories high, but the space was wide enough to fit a dozen buildings within its confines. Large rectangular glass walls separated various levels and walkways, which ran throughout the entirety of the ground floor. A set of stairs rose above them and led up to the next level, where a series of large windows were located and allowed natural sunlight inside. The floor was cement, polished clean by the hundreds of workers who tended the property. All along the walls lay ladders, workbenches, and tables filled with various mechanical parts and machinery, making the whole place look more like a dirty museum than a Casino. In addition to those were numerous people, all dressed in their functional work pants and boots, some shirtless while others wore shirts appropriate for the climate but they all had hard hats, safety glasses, muffs, and gloves on.

Easton thought the outside was chaotic but the inside was even more. He could see a lot more of these workers as they wandered around the complex, carrying various objects. They walked past them and made for the elevator. As soon as they entered the elevator Lee pressed the button for the top floor and as they were about to begin ascending several floors Tom came bursting into the building yelling for his Boss.

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