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Chapter: 144.

Tide lay on his bed, blinking slowly with a charming smile spread across his face. After he left Alexander in the hands of Matthew, and Atana's SoulPearl willed to him, he returned home. Aquarial remains as he left it, beautiful, and peaceful. Sea creatures moving around in every direction, Aquarial has always been so colorful, every Mer, every fish, down to their houses, high and small, all bore colors so beautiful as never seen on the Lands. But, it was late when he arrived so he went home, and slept. Tomorrow he will visit his mother first, then Neptune.

And when morning came, he took care of his duties, beaming brightly as he collected spells and potions, realizing just how much he has missed his life under the Sea. But, words travel fast in Aquarial, Soulbutterfies crawling around the streets at night had seen him return and they spread the news to their owners. Tide didn't finish his spells when his mother came bargaining into his private room, yelling for him to come out.

"Mother!" Tide called with a chuckle as he emerged from the room and threw a warm hug around his mother's shoulder. Having found his love, his tail bore proudly the marks of ownership and his mother didn't miss them and so once the hugs and special moments came to an end, she pushed him a foot back and watched her son's tail swaying back and forth with Soulmarks glistering before her not so surprised gaze.

"You are Marked," She said, gesturing to his tail.

Tide smiled, it had happened while he made love to him in the Sea, Alexander had left him with his precious gifts and he couldn't be more proud of his Human.

"I finally found him." He told his mother who nodded in understanding.

"Naga told me all about him, I can't believe you fell for a human." She said with a laugh and Tide shook his head smiling.

"He is not just any human, Mother..." He muttered then added quickly. "... he is Alexander," He grinned as his heart warmed.

"I know that as well, although I can not say that I fully understood everything Naga said but I am glad you found your happy place, and I'm happy for you," She smiled and pulled her child into a tight embrace, her soft skin caressing him like a lover would and her arms holding tightly onto her son.

"So, is there anything Naga hasn't told you yet?" Tide asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes and she sighed loudly looking into his eyes.

"No, I suppose there isn't." She caught him rolling his eyes and she smacked his hand. "Hey, don't look at me like that, I was a worried mother, I had to know the fate of my son." She crossed her arms over her chest and Tide rolled his eyes chuckling softly.

A sudden commotion at the door had both mother and child turning in that direction to find Nexie panting by the door. She looked like she had taken a bath in a pool of colors and when she threw her arms around him Tide coughed from the dust dancing in his face and invading his nostrils.

"You idiot!" She said through tears and kissed his cheek and Tide laughed and hugged her back. His mother stood behind them looking at the two with amusement, her gaze lingering on Tide, who gave her a shy smile but his mother did nothing more than raise her eyebrow at him. Once he released his hold on Nexie, his tail swished behind him, and then he turned to find a little blue dragon nipping on the tip of his tail, snapping his eyes back to Nexie he asked.

"You gave birth to a dragon?" He asked with wide eyes and she snorted while his mother let out a burst of amused laughter.

"I'm an unmarked Merfairy, how can I birth a dragon, and need I remind you that I am in love with a MerElve, not a Merdragon." She stated and Tide raised his eyebrows but she only smiled sweetly and kissed him.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now