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Chapter: 52.

The endless ringing of the doorbell had the man groaning as he forced tired eyes open, the ringing wouldn't stop even as he got out of bed and walked out of his room. He wasn't expecting anyone and neither was East. Come to think of it, East doesn't get visitors and he was merely freeloading so he wasn't expecting anyone which made him even more annoyed as he reluctantly descended the stairs while cursing profanities at whoever it was that was out there. Once he was standing in the foyer, eyes overlooking the French doors he hissed at who he saw standing there.

This couldn't be possible.

How had he found him?

And what was he doing there?

His legs froze at the spot, he couldn't move, wouldn't dare to take another step. A sudden blast from the doorbell had him jumping out of his skin and immediately striding to the door.

The doors parted for the uninvited guest, while he looked disheveled as any who just got woken from a peaceful nap, Matthew was wearing a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved black cashmere shirt. This had to be the first time he had ever seen him wearing anything that wasn't a suit. He had to say he looked stunning, a man like Matthew could be dressed in a garbage bag and still look sexy.

"Y-You..." he had managed to let out before Matthew was pushing him back into the living room, strong grips held his shirt tightly as he dragged him further into the room.

Alexander was both breathless and speechless for the most part.

Finally, pressed against the wall, he let him free with his eyes searching, and for a long stretch moment, silence prevailed.

"Alexander..." he breathed out, and reached for him, the pad of his thumb brushing gently over Alexander's lips, affectionately, sliding between them until he had wedged his mouth open, teeth and all, pressing his tongue down. He coaxed him into parting them wider, kissing him, sucking his tongue in between his. Alexander felt every inch of himself begin to warm beneath his clothes.

This was bad.

This man charged at him with everything.

How was he to fight back?

No matter how far he ran, he was sure to catch, slowly but eventually.

The delicious tension that had begun to coil at his very core pushed him closer to Matthew, hands reaching to cup his face. His kiss was more demanding, one hand drawing Alexander's hips up against him, fingers sliding from his nape to his shoulder blade.

"Kneel for me." He whispered against Alexander's lips, their breaths mingling. Alexander knew what he wanted... He could feel him through his jeans. Lowering himself before him, he reached to undo them, breaths quickening. Matthew was watching him, his gaze burning holes into his existence as he sought him out, Matthew's fingertips first brushed his hands away, then across the scarlet flesh of his cheek.

Alexander's breath caught at the gentle contact, pulse spiking, and all he could think of were the myriad ways he wanted Matthew inside him. Wherever those sinful thoughts had erupted from, he didn't bother to know. Matthew caught his face between his hands, the heels of his palms pressing until Alexander's lips had parted where he lay a soft kiss before straightening. Once again, Alexander's hands reached for his wrists, but he commanded he drop them.

Alexander obeyed.

Matthew circled him for a moment as if deciding what he wanted to do with him first. All the while, Alexander could hardly get a breath in, heart pounding so hard he was sure it would explode.

Where in hell were both East and Tide? He wondered. Had they seen this predator and escaped for dear life? Why abandon him in such a cruel way without as little as a warning word to alert him of this impending danger.

This danger... called Matthew.

When at last Matthew's fingers moved through his dark tresses, a shiver licked his spine.

"Why, Alexander?"

This shocked him, enough that his eyes snapped up to meet him. "Why what?" He returned, confused.

He lowered from his full height to a squat, steel blues more intense than Alexander had ever seen them. "Do you hate me?" Something about the way he said that, made Alexander's heart ache for the man. He sounded so pained, so hurt. Had he done this to him? Like a broken man, he searched his eyes as if waiting for a glint of betrayal to flash within and convey what he had just said, proclaiming his words true beyond any reasonable doubt.

But, he was wrong. He could never hate him. If there ever were any who had succeeded in rendering his heart and emotions into a puddle of confusion since Maria, that one was him.

Matthew Nicolas D'aureville.

Only him.

"I do not...hate you..." he whispered. "I couldn't hate you even if I wanted to." Though his voice had failed him, Alexander hoped the resolve in his gaze was enough to convince him.

"Yet you run away from me." He reminded him.

"I know," Alexander muttered, head lowered shamefully.

"You wouldn't even take the job you needed because of me."

"I..." his words broke into a long silence. What else would he say? He was right. Always right. Was that why he came?

Why he suddenly appear at Easton's doorstep?

For him?

To find out why he hated him?

The only reason he had avoided the man was simple, he tended to make him a mess whenever he was around, he could hardly hear his own thoughts or formulate any reasonable words or actions. Matthew was a mess he could not toss into the bin, the bane of his life, one who had effortlessly managed to charm his heart even at first glance. How could he not try to avoid such a man? But, he wasn't going to say all that to him so he stayed muted, barely breathing and keeping eye contact.

This was a battle he was clearly losing at.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt