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Chapter: 34.

Having dealt with a lot from Matthew and that kiss which left him feeling so much at once Alexander needed a moment to think. Easton had returned home seeking him out once they had finished dinner. It was all talk about Matthew and White Prince and him taking whatever job offer he got. He found it suspicious the way that Easton had said it.

"What do you mean, whatever job I got offered?"

"You see, the thing is, Falcon doesn't think the job of a secretary is fit for you."

"What does he care what job I do? It's not his problem and why are you talking about this with me?"

"If you don't take the job Falcon has provided for you, I will lose White Prince!"

"Wh-What?!" Alexander couldn't believe his ears. What happened to him and Falcon? He wondered seeing just how Easton was visibly shaken. "Did he say something to you, that son of a bitch!" He snapped, worried eyes gazed into Easton's wet ones.

"Look, Xander, you are just going to be working directly for Falcon, it's not that big of a deal, and please don't quit this job, I worked so hard to get you that opening and you need a job, please."

Alexander was lost for words. When Easton begs like that he couldn't say no even if he tried in the end what he said was.

"Fine, I will take the job."

"Yes!" Easton yelped with a little bounce to his steps which made Alexander laugh.

"You seem happy." He eyed him suspiciously and fell into a ruckus of laughter when he saw Easton quickly adjust himself with a frown. "You can stop the theatrics." Alexander got up from the bed. "I have to sleep in my apartment, tonight, I need to air out the place."

"What about work tomorrow?"

"Don't worry, Mr. worrywart, I will be there before you get there trust me."

"Fine." Giving each other a quick hug, Alexander left.

That night he spent cleaning up his place after having a moment of a fight with Mrs. Takahashi. She wouldn't give him his keys as she insisted he called Easton to be certain he had given his permission for him to be alone again.

It was cute and it made Alexander smile knowing she cared about him so much she was worried he might do something stupid again. It took nearly an hour of reassurance for the older lady to believe him and get him his keys. Once he had finished cleaning up, he took a shower and fell into his bed.

Waking up to a very vivid dream where he had shared steamy sex with Matthew left him breathless and angry. Of all the people he could dream of, it had to be that idiot. Getting out of bed he checked his time which read a few minutes past eleven, he got out of bed, cleaned up, and walked away.

Finding himself wandering the sands of the beach he inhaled the sweet smell surrounding him. Lulled by the sound of the waves, but immersed in a life that he couldn't relax in. He wondered why he kept feeling so depressed. Always so empty. It drains him. His stomach began to grumble and he remembered he hadn't eaten, deciding to go find food he turned the other way but the sound of kids mocking caught his attention, distracting his troubled mind and hungry stomach as he stopped to listen in on them.

"Hey, junkie!" One of them kicked at an object while the others laughed.

Alexander's brows furrowed, he hated kids who bully people for fun.

"Isn't it too early to be playing princess dress-ups?" Another asked while kicking just as his partner had done.

Alexander squinted his eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of what it was they were so busy taunting. If it was another kid he sure was going to be smacking them for sure. Walking quietly towards them he couldn't help but wince when he heard a soft whimper.

"Dude, he's fucking wasted!" Another echoed and they laughed again.

That's it!

He's had enough!

"Hey!" He called upon reaching them and they all stopped to find the angry man approaching. "What are you doing?!" He demanded angrily.

"Chill, grandpa!" The first teased chuckling but Alexander was far too angry he nearly hit the kid.

"Do I look like your grandfather?" He eyed the boy angrily and that seemed to have shut the others up as well. "I asked a question, what are you doing? What were you all busy kicking at?!"

"Why?" The first asked. "Is he your boyfriend?" He chuckled obnoxiously loud.

"What?!" Alexander whispered, it was then it dawned on him that it was a person they had been kicking at so roughly all along.

"You little shits!" He seethed, shoving them aside as he went on his knees to find a man trapped between two rocks.

How the fuck did he even get himself into that tight space? He wondered.

"The weirdo got drunk in a mermaid costume no less!" One of them laughed high-fiving another. "Now, he can't get out, probably stuck here the whole night!"

"And you're busy hitting and insulting him when you should be helping him?!" He challenged, angrily.

"It's not our fault he got stuck!" One said.

"Neither is it our business to help!" Another added.

"Then who made it your business to get abusive towards him?!" Alexander could feel his anger flare the longer they talked.

Snorting one rolled his eyes. "It's not Halloween yet and the freak is playing dress-up!"

"It's none of your business what people choose to do with their free time!" He yelled back, his eyes returning to the trapped man, he began pulling him out from the rocks, it wasn't so hard to do considering how slippery the man was. His hands kept slipping away when he tried to grab onto him. It made Alexander wonder what he rubbed to be that slippery.

Was it a game he was playing and got pranked? He wondered.

It almost seemed as if he had been barfed up by something! Bathed in wet sand. Clearly, he needed help and yet the dumb kids wouldn't offer all they did was hurt him the more.

Stupid kids.

Who knows how long he has been stuck there like that.

He needed to get him out.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now