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Chapter: 50.

Easton made to leave but stopped and shot one more glance Alexander's way. "Anything you would like me to deliver to your obsessive lover?"

"Urgh...I hate you..." Alexander cried. "And he is not my lover."

"Yeah about that you might want to save that and say it directly to his face when next you see him."

"What does that mean?" He challenged.

"Hmmm... let's see..." Easton mumbled tapping a finger to his lips. "The last time I checked, I vividly remembered a certain someone so smitten that they couldn't escape from a simple lip assault."

"You are a horrible person!" Alexander yelled, tossing more pillows at the now hysteric man.

"And yet you blush!"

"I don't blush!"

"Ah...but you are, look at your face in the mirror."

"Have a terrible day at work, East," Alexander called to the departing man.

"And you too, Xander, I hope the merman swallows you whole by the time I return." The last word from him as he shut the door and Alexander could hear his footsteps descending the stairs. He got out of bed and made his way into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He took care of his morning business before proceeding with a decent shower. With his back towards the door, he did not notice when the doors pulled open, and in walked Tide, who stood at the door and ogled at the naked body of the man through the foggy glass doors.

Alexander was erotic to behold, his back arched and curved in all the right places, he hummed softly to himself while he soaped his hair, Tide could not look away. Dousing his back with hot water, Tide watched him rub his shoulder blades with both hands, trying to loosen the muscles a little. Dense jets of water hitting his back gradually eased the tension throughout his body. Tide swallowed when he heard him moan from how good the warm water felt against his skin. His back breathed steam and Tide could feel his excitement.

He had felt it last night too.



He knew nothing of these humans nor how to mate with them but something in him wanted to mate with the human so badly. He pushed in further into the bathroom, Alexander still hadn't noticed the visitor in the bathroom and so he went on to wash up the soapy body, Tide swallowed as water cascaded down the man's body, slipping into the cute little crack between his ass and down his legs. Who knew humans could be this erotic, Roan holds nothing on the man before him. Would it be rude if he joined him in the bath? He wondered and at the thought, he stepped back and disappeared into the bedroom just as Alexander was turning towards the door, a little later and he would have caught him standing and staring at that.

"Oh, Tide, you're up.." Alexander called as soon as he came out of the bathroom to find the merman sitting on the bed facing the bathroom door.

"Alexander, last night when I kissed you, I had done that because you wanted me to..."

"W-What..." Alexander stuttered. "Where did you get that silly thought from?" he laughed nervously. His towel movement stilled as he stood frozen in place, eyes looking everywhere but at the merman.

"Your thoughts were as loud as Easton's voice, and just now, you liked it when I nibbled on your toes, you didn't want it to stop."

"Who taught you to speak in English again?" Alexander asked again followed by nervous laughter. "And you shouldn't read people's minds without their consent, that's just wrong."

"But, I can not read Easton's mind..."

Alexander's eyes shot up to the merman and quickly averted yet again. So, he could read only his mind? But, why him?

"Because you are my Alexander, Alexander, you were in Naga's visions, you are my destiny, Alexander."

"I don't understand, who is Naga and why me?"

"Naga is a Merdragon."

"Like a sea dragon with a tail?"

"They are powerful, Alexander, and very wise, I am here to find Atana's SoulPearl and you are my road to Atana."

"How is that even possible?" Alexander cried, dropping his towel and turning to pull briefs from his closet. "I know nothing of your world, I hold no links whatsoever, if truly I did, believe me, I would know, my mother is a great storyteller and she never forgets an incident and isn't this Atana the same you said got killed by my Kind, I think this wise Naga made a mistake."

"The Elder never makes a mistake."

"Then I'm certain I'm the first mistake he made."

"That is not true, Alexander..."

"And how would you know what is true and what isn't, you've only been with me one night!" Alexander yelled. "Look, I'm a loser, a no good for nothing failure, my wife left me, she took my daughter, I don't even have a freaking job!" He panted, his anger flaring, as he pushed both legs into a brown shorts. "I can't be of any help to you, Tide, trust me, this is all a big mistake, your Naga needs to really point you in the right direction as clearly, I am not that direction." Gurgling in anger and irritation, he paced the room, his pacing would have given Easton a headache if he were there.

"Alexander, listen..."

"No, you listen..." he cuts him off. "I should have started a new job yesterday, but I didn't because of you, and today I should be there apologizing for my dumb poor life choices and once again I'm here with you, sometimes I wonder if I purposely mess up my life!" His voice broke into barely contained fragile emotions.

"I'm sorry, you feel your life is not going as planned..."

"Nothing is going as planned...," He cried. His voice sounded tired and subdued. "Nothing... You, Maria, Matthew, everything--mhmm." He moaned when he felt those familiar lips on his once again.

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