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Chapter: 18.

Two days after the incident at the Mall, the broken man hasn't recovered from the shock but with the help of Easton, he could eat, sleep and look forward to another day. He had remembered waking up to a cozy bed and a warm duvet wrapped around him. His eyes roamed the unfamiliar bedroom, his nostrils inhaling the cologne he recognized all too well. It belonged to East but how had he ended up in Easton's bedroom when he had fallen asleep in his bathtub back in his shabby apartment.

Tossing in the blue duvet, his eyes caught a tray sitting on the bedside table, a single rose laid beside a silver coffee mug. A smile found his lips, stretching them into a burst of full-blown laughter when he finally sat up and took the picture in close. A breakfast sat in the tray with a little side note.

Didn't take Easton for a romantic type.

Alexander took the coffee mug first and nearly downed the entire steamy content before placing the mug back into the tray, picking up a toast and trapping it between his teeth, he picked up the note.

"Hello, white prince..." the cheesy line had him snickering, the toast fell from his mouth and he grabbed it quickly, returning it to its previous state. "I had to work early but I should be home before noon, see you soon." At the back of the note is a warning. "Finish that breakfast or I will have your balls served to you as dinner tonight!" To that he really did chortle. Once he had finished the first toast he realized how hungry he had been and so he rushed the rest of the meal.

Full and content, he fell asleep.

Losing track of time, he slept into the evening only waking up when he felt that familiar brush against his forehead.

"Hey." He called, with a smile and sleep drowned voice. "You are back." He blinked at the eyes staring down at him. East was so close, too close it made his heartbeat rise. "East?" He stuttered, blinking multiple times when he felt his hands caressing the side of his cheek gently like he was searching for a trace of imperfection so he would scour it off with his touches. His skin burned where he touched and he panted.

This isn't normal.

What was he searching for so intently?

He wondered.

"It's fading," he heard the other whisper but he had no idea what he meant by that. "I'm glad," he muttered again. "I would hate it if there is a mark on this gorgeous face that I love so much." He saw him smirk and this time Alexander couldn't hold it in any longer.

"What are you talking about?" He finally found his voice and asked.

"The mark on your face," he spoke casually and Alexander's mouth dropped open in confusion.


"You bruised yourself while sleeping in that tub." That had Alexander jumping out of bed and rushing over to the bathroom where he found a mirror and took in his reflection. East was right, there was a fading brownish mark on his left cheek.

Easton turned towards the bathroom door when he heard the sound of the door shutting and Alexander was standing there, his back resting against the door.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"All better, thanks to you." Alexander exhaled, walking into the room, he slumped on the bed beside Easton, gaze locked with his friend. "I don't know what I would do without you." He muttered.

"Absolutely nothing!" The other gloated and they laughed.

"But, you're right." He agreed and Easton nodded.

"So..." he asked with raised brows. "Want to talk about it?"

Alexander knew he meant why he had gone back to the old ways.

"Micheal owns the Mall and I walked into him on my way out so..." to make a long story short, he broke the news, and the rest he watched as it settled on Easton's face.

"Shit," the other hissed and Alexander nodded.


"I have no idea,"

"I know,"

"I swear I would not have even mentioned it more so send you over there." Easton began to speak hurriedly but Alexander wouldn't have that. Of course, he knew Easton wasn't aware.

"Hey, don't go there, I know." He defused.

"This friend from work just mentioned a supermarket and my brain goes all Xander Xander and I just got an address and called you."

"It's alright, buddy!" He stopped him before he went any further. None of this was his fault. "What's for dinner?" He asked, shifting the conversation. It worked when he saw Easton's eyes lit up joyfully.

"While you slept, I took the leisure of making dinner for my dearest white prince." He announced and Alexander chuckled.

"Again with the White Prince," Alexander said between laughter. "I've only heard Xander from you in ages, when did you pick white prince up?" He was curious.

"When I laid you on my bed before putting the blue duvet over you, you looked glorious in my white t-shirt and shorts just crawled up on my white bed--"

"Wait, wait, wait!" Alexander stopped him right there.

"What, what, what?!" He tackled and Alexander sniggered.

"You changed my clothes?!"

"Yes?" He nodded. "I cleaned you up too, you were a mess." He added just immediately.

"You saw me naked?!"

"Wouldn't be the first time!" Easton fired back nonchalantly. "Your point?"

"You're the worst." Alexander accused.

"And yet you can't live without me."

"Lion," Alexander whined and East laughed.

"Oh, don't be like that, the name fits perfectly plus it gave me an idea for what my next project should be called."

Alexander chuckled. "So, your project is called white prince?"

"Yes, sir!"

"You crazy son of a bitch." Alexander couldn't contain his amusement. "You're welcome." He added.

"What for?" Easton asked with raised brows.

"Well, I gave you an idea for a name." He totted and Easton laughed. The sound of his laughter made him smile.

How can one man be so charming?

"Have you freshened up yet?" Alexander nodded negatively and he got on his feet. "Go take a bath, meet me downstairs in five." Alexander watched him leave while he got up to begin undressing.

After showering, he was pleased to find his duffle bag nestled nicely in the closet, so he rummaged through and found nice shorts and undershirt. It was warm out and he didn't want to get sweaty. Coming down the stairs the delicious aroma wafted through his nose and he inhaled, nose sniffing like a puppy seeking treats.

"Wow." He breathed out once he had seen the set table and all the delicious meals on it.

"Seat, let me impress you with my culinary skills." He beckoned and Alexander didn't need to be told twice.

The rest of the night went by with them swapping favorite movies and finally falling asleep. Easton nursed him the next day as he woke up to find his breakfast by the bedside table. He ate, took a shower, and got into a nice cut-sleeve shirt and joggers, catching a glimpse of the time which read past noon, he decided to go take a stroll down the beach, clear his mind. Easton lived just a forty-five-minute walk away from the beach.

He would take the walk, he needed that.

Once he had gotten out of the house he called Easton to let him know about his activity but his call went directly to voicemail, he left him a message instead, understanding that he could probably be in a meeting presenting the project he had been working on the past week.

The White Prince.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now