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Chapter: 10

The crystal moon took its full size and its glorious brightness filled the great city. Sea creatures gathered in their hundreds to watch the crystal moon grow bigger and its brightness was exceedingly great, it brightness near blinding and the Sea Creatures couldn't look upon it for much longer. It was time they each returned to their homes and rested and as they all retired to their homes, the Tideian made his way to the Sea Mountain, the crystal moon glow eased into his body, the Tideian marks scattered about all over his body each creating a spiral returning to the crystal moon, the Tideian soon became as bright as the crystal moon even his eyes glowed like the moon and then he was ready.

Having made it to the Base of the mountain, he began to summon the falling Tears into the many Golden jars he had made to appear, each creating a circle around the Tideian. The Mountain Tears began to drop into the Jars, its divine sparkle twinkled like millions of sea pearls.

For nine hours, the Tideian gathered the Tears, he could feel his soulpearl weakening and he knew it was almost time before the Crystal Moon disappeared and the Mountain Tears would stop. Once the tenth hour stroked he fell on his knees panting from exhaustion as he tried to calm his soulpearl and regain his strength. The process lasted for another hour then he was standing up and sealing the Golden Jars with the seal mark of a Tideian one that can only be broken by the Elder of Elders or by the Elf's oldest physician. He was on the last jar when he suddenly remembered his promise to Roan. He hadn't done this before and so he didn't understand how he was supposed to do this if he was even supposed to do it at all. It was a dangerous decision, one that could lead to his dishonor and even being stripped of his title.

He had been warned by the Elders never to let a drop do as little as touch the mountain fields as its powers could cause a sudden drought and the greens of the field would fade into a barren desert. Not only that, if the Mountain Tears were to fall into the wrong hands, it can't be said what evil they could create from the Raw Mountain Tears. But, he trusted Roan, he believed that his father was indeed gravely ill and dying.

And if it was for a good cause then even the Gods would understand him.

That could also be considered a wishful thinking knowing that the Mountain Tears were a gift from the Gods unto them, the fountain of healing potions and the replenishing of their soulpearl strength.

"You are a Tideian, these responsibilities fall solemnly on your shoulders, you were born with the markings thus you alone shall control and deliver the Mountain Tears to the Merelves. And on no account should it be heard that you give any who isn't you, the Mountain Tears."

The words of the Elders resounded in his ears and the Merman exhaled in frustration. He couldn't let his lover's father die. This was the only way he could help. Roan would hate him if he didn't help knowing he was the only one capable of rendering such help.

There was a conflict raging in the merman's heart. It seems the rational part of him was losing against the irrational side.

Blinded by his love for Roan.

Tideian was eager to please the one he loves. No one else mattered and if he had to be punished for this then he was more than willing to take his punishments. What mattered in the end would be that he had helped save a life. And neither Roan nor his father would forget this act and with that thought in mind, he used his magic to create a small glass bottle, he dipped his hand into the last unsealed golden Jar and scooped the sparkly mountain Tears into the new glass until it was full. Then he sealed it off with a binding spell only Roan could unseal and sent it on its way to Roan, with a transporting spell.

Then he proceeded to seal the last Jar and once done, he cast a binding spell over the golden jars and with the power of a Tideian, his wings manifested and he flew with the Jars on his way to Ebilor, the city of the Elves.


Roan heard the whispering of his name repeatedly and so he opened his eyes to find a ball of brightness flashing before his eyes. He smiled, knowing what it was. But he wouldn't be caught dead touching the powerful Mountain Tears, so he used his magic to summon his friend, a Merwitch from Glasa. Within seconds she had appeared before him, he broke the spell Tide had placed on the glowing bottle and he was able to do that because this particular bottle had been summoned by Tide to listen to his bidding alone. If it wasn't him then no one else would have unsealed the bottle and it would have returned to its sender untouched. Once the spell was lifted, the merwitch took the bottle and disappeared. Leaving a fainting echo of her words lingering.

"Once I have completed the soulpearl eatin spell. I will send the bottle back to you. Remember, a drop into any sea fruit of your choice it's all it would require, just make sure he takes a bite and that will be the end of your Tideian."

The rest of the merwitch's voice faded but Roan has heard what was instructed and now he needs to wait for the potion to return to him. He summoned a soulbutterfly and sent it forth with a message to Titan.


Titan sat with his family at dinner when he saw the twinkling soulbutterfly approached him, he simply, opened his hand so the butterfly lands on his palm, he then excused himself from the table and went out to his own home, there he order the butterfly to give its message and when it did, he couldn't be more happier and proud of his accomplishment.

"The sea leaves have fallen and soon shall wither."

Was the word the soulbutterfly carried. Crushing the butterfly into millions of sprinkling dusts, he turned and walked into his bedroom.

By this time, before the Mountain Tears Festival, the Tideian would have died.


Hola, lovers, we are back!

I hope you enjoy the reads.

Take care!

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