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Chapter: 129.

Knowing what she had planned to do that Saturday morning Maria sat calmly at breakfast along with Lina and her daughter. Michael didn't come home in two days although it wasn't out of his character to stay days, even weeks away from home. This time however left a lingering sensation within Maria. Something seemed suspicious, something she couldn't put a finger on. So, in order not to worry about his whereabouts, she settled for the perfect plan.

"Lina?" She started, putting away her cutleries and looking over at Lina who was busy eating her pancakes.

"Yes, Maria?"

"It's the weekend and I made arrangements to take Allie Ice Skating today and I want you to come along." She announced and watched closely as Lina's face morphed into one of confusion. Although Lina thought it was weird how she out of the kindness of her heart would invite her out on something like this considering the huge fight they both had a few days ago but then it wouldn't be out of Maria's character as well to act like she still owns the world, with shoulders high even when defeated, yet Lina also knew how much she loved to spoil her daughter, maybe this was one of those moments, she could be trying to make the girl happy after the dirty display she put up in the presence of the child and to make Allison feel like all was well with both of them after the fight, she invited her.

"Well, sure, yes, I would love to come with you both," Lina replied, putting down her utensils and smiling brightly at Allison which made the little girl giggle at the sight of the woman's enthusiasm.

"Oh, and one more thing, you know how I love to drive myself around and I don't need anyone following us, it would just be us three," Maria informed once again, Lina nodded her understanding.

"Yes, of course, I'm aware."

After they finished their breakfast, Allison rushed off to get ready leaving her mother and Lina to themselves. A dark blanket of awkward silence grew between both women and when Lina couldn't bear it anymore she coughed, clearing her throat then muttered. "I should get ready myself." Maria let out an awkward chuckle and a nod as she turned and began to walk away, maid filed into the dining room to begin clearing out the dishes.

As soon as she got into her room Maria took her phone and sent one more message before putting it back into her purse, a simple, but clear message that read: 'It's going to rain soon.' A code they had agreed to use when they were about to set out.

It was time she dealt with Lina once and for all.


When they turned a different direction leading away from their supposed destination, both Allison and Lina inquired from the woman behind the wheels where they were headed, and with a bright smile, Maria responded she needed to make a quick detour at one of her friends to pick up a bag she had helped her order and once again both woman and girl nodded knowing it isn't news with Maria to do things like this so they settled in and relaxed.

"Are we going to be long over there, Mom?" Allison asks from her position in the back of the car. Her feet are swinging from their perch on the armrest and she is watching out the window as they drove down the near-empty lane. The roads had been quiet for a few minutes now, and the only thing that could be heard was the engine's purr and the soft sound of the tires against the tarmac.

Maria looked away briefly to stare at her daughter and with a smile she replied. "No sweetie, not at all. We're just going to grab my purchase and be on our way again." She paused before adding in a softer tone. "This time, I promise there will be no more detours." She added a small giggle at the last word. Allison nodded happily and turned her attention back to the window.

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