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Chapter: 115.

Once in the parking lot of Falcon, Easton stood and waited while a car drove in front of him. One of the men pulled the car door open and ushered him in. Easton observed the chauffeur first before he went into the car and sat. The soft leather felt so good he nearly moaned, it was after the man in suit had shut the door had he realized they weren't coming with. He didn't speak to the chauffeur, as the man wound down the glass separating them so that he could communicate with him if he wanted to. Easton would say he appreciated that but he didn't see what they needed to talk about so he simply ignored him and relaxed further into the seat a short while later the chauffeur pulled the window back up giving the man his privacy.

The drive took longer than Easton had thought it would. They have driven far off the city and headed deep into the countryside. It was not as dense, but the land was a mix of green, grassy fields and rolling hills that were dotted with patches of trees. The weather was perfect; hot sun sipping through the windows and warming his face that was pressed to the glass, taking in the view of the treelines and grassy fields. He couldn't help being enamored by the beautiful scenery; he's seen so many photographs of rural areas, yet there was something different about seeing them for himself; seeing them from such a perspective. There was an unusual beauty about it all that only enthralled him the more, even when the road began to ascend, and they drove over the hill, he continued to watch the landscape below, unable to tear his eyes away from the breathtaking view. Although he was going to complain about the journey taking forever, he found himself enjoying himself, looking at the landscape around him, and just letting himself enjoy this small pleasure. It felt good to get out of the office, after working on his new project for over six weeks straight, it felt like the perfect break in-between but he still needed to know where they were going so he tapped on the window in front of him and the driver winded it down and with a calm voice spoke.

"We're almost there, sir!"

"Oh, thank you, but may I know where it is we are going?" Easton asked politely as he looked back out of the window.

"The D'Aureville winery, sir." The man answered without missing a beat.

Easton let out a short laugh. "D'Aureville?" That is a very famous name. If he remembered correctly, the winery used to be one of the largest wineries in BeachLands.

"Yes, sir, you see, before the Automotive, the Casinos and Hotels the D'Aureville's had only their wineries but since the death of both parents the children went to work on expanding their assets but the wineries they have kept as their parents left them and now shared by all four siblings." The man informed.

"That explains why it feels like we've been driving for hours. How do you manage not to get lost?"

"I'm a good navigator, sir!" The driver smiled and laughed along with him before continuing. "We haven't arrived yet, but there are snacks and a bottle of wine under your feet, please help yourself with those." He said warmly.

Easton thanked him and pulled himself away from the window to look over and pick up the bottle of wine. Opening it up he took a sip before putting it back on the shelf in front of him and turning his attention back to the window. "You had mentioned four siblings, I thought they were just two," Easton questioned.

"Yes, sir, they have two sisters, Genevieve and Amelie, although I can almost swear that not many people know that the late Mr. and Mrs. D'Aureville's had no more than a son which is Matthew, the Falcon we all know and love but they did have other children only after their death did Matthew bring his siblings into the picture, unlike their parents who wouldn't speak of any children who would not succeed them, Matthew wanted his siblings, Genevieve is the CEO and the owner of the hotel called Ocean View Paradise, you must have heard of it."

Of course, Easton has heard of Ocean View Paradise, who in the BeachLands hasn't heard of a place famous for its beaches and secluded beaches that could get swarmed in crowds? In contrast to its reputation, Oceanview Paradise is one of the most peaceful places in the state; the resort has a relaxed atmosphere, and even though it is located in the middle of nowhere, the location has a great reputation, and if anyone wants to relax there is no reason to miss the place. 'Oceanview' has also been mentioned in the papers and news articles, tourists come and go all the time. The resort was also known for its luxury and well stocked stores for any type of travel needs. Heck both he and Xander had planned on taking a break there once they could afford a break. He never would have thought that the owner is a sister to his Boss.

"Does she go by a different last name, like Michael?" Easton inquired curiously.

"No, sir. I'm sure her last name is the same as Matthew's but people don't mostly relate both siblings with the D'Aureville's, as you already know, Mr. Matthew is widely known as..."

"Falcon... and Genevieve as Ms. Oceanview..." Easton finished for him and he nodded with a smile.

"That's right, so they are hardly placed and the siblings all held secret lives, no one knows when they are going or coming, the only widely known member is Mr. Michael, he is notoriously known for his lifestyle and his name change came after he was disowned by his parents." The chauffeur bit his tongue after he had spoken the last word, he didn't mean to overstep but apparently he had gotten too carried away.

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