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Chapter: 26.

"Are you ready?" Easton asked, peeking into the room to find Alexander pushing his left foot into his shoe.

"So?" He asked, standing while adjusting his belt. "Do I look presentable?" He inquired.

"Wow, don't think I have seen you in corporate wear before," Easton replied, it was clear he liked what he was seeing. "You look more than presentable."

Alexander smiled, brushing his hands on his shirt. "Thanks, man."

Looking around as if he was searching for something, Easton moved closer until he was standing face to face with the other. He stood in front of him and just admired him for a while then gently raised both hands to Alexander's tie and began strengthening it. "You still didn't learn how to knot a tie, did you?" He was amused.

"The last time I was in a tie was on my wedding day-"

"Shhh!" Easton whispered, one finger pressed into Alexander's lips cutting his words off. "No bad memories today, big boy, it will jinx the day." He reprimanded and Alexander just laughed.

"You idiot." He shoved him playfully but the other didn't budge, his hands still gripped the tie he worked on.

"Everyone is an idiot." Easton snorted then patted his chest. "All set." He muttered. "Let's go, we are already running late."

The drive to Falcon was a peaceful one. They barely shared a few chats, asking about random things and laughing. Once they parked in the parking lot made for employees of the Falcon, Easton got out and so did Alexander.

"Man, I didn't realize this place was this big." He yelled looking around in administration.

Easton chuckled, "You haven't even been here before." He remembered and Alexander just shrugged and began walking towards the sliding glass doors. They barely talk about work, it could be to the fact that since he was jobless Easton wouldn't want to rub work in his face all the time knowing he doesn't have a job. Understanding Easton and how his mind worked, Alexander knew he purposely skipped any conversation about work.

Pushing into the first floor he swirled around, mouth agape as he took in the magnificent space.

"Whoever owns this place sure loves their gold, don't they?" He muttered, the huge chandelier was made of gold, the curtains, tiles, front desk down to the many sofas in the waiting areas. "They're obsessed with the color." He mumbled.

"You wouldn't believe how much of those are actual real gold." Easton disclosed coming to stand beside him.

"Well, it is the largest Automotive Industry in the world so I wouldn't be very surprised." Alexander let out, picking a seat and relaxing his ass. "I'm glad you finished school. If not, how would you have landed a job in a place like this, huh!" He tossed about on the sofa, feeling up the layers and smiling up at Easton. "I think the materials are made of gold-" the rest of his words faded when a beautiful little lady came bouncing towards them.

"Good morning, Team Leader." Both Alexander and Easton looked at the approaching lady. She was neatly dressed in her formal wear, her shirt smoothly tucked into her skirt, a pair of black stilettos on her feet, a file was pressed into her bosom and she wore round glasses.

"Sally," Easton smiled at the lady. "Good morning. You seem distressed?" He observed. "Is anything the matter?" He was starting to worry.

"Mr. Falcon suddenly showed up this morning and he is requesting all leaders in the boardroom for an important briefing which he will be overseeing!" She reported and immediately, Easton turned towards Alexander. "I really have to go" he whispered apologetically and Alexander nodded in understanding. "Sally, please, take my friend to HR. Tell her he is the one I told her about, thank you." He said, moving past her with purpose. It's almost his second year in Falcon and not once has the man visited whatever it was that had brought him must be overly important.

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