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Chapter: 7.

The laws of the Heavens, The Seas, the Underworlds, and Earth could not be tested but Atana had tested fate and changed what wasn't meant to be and worse using dark powers from Glasa. There is a saying in Aquarial 'Nothing Good Comes Out Of Glasa' she understood these things better but she chose her part. The Gods were angry and they withdrew their favors from her. The humans suffered and tormented Atana, so much so she couldn't show her face outside of her home. They were all afraid to go out for fear of what the people would do.

And Atana's beauty began to fade.

One of her great-grandchildren betrayed her, he went and told the townspeople that the source of their youthfulness was the blood of the mermaid who was his great-grandmother. This railed the people, they were filled with wrath and animosity towards Atana. Their hatred for the mermaid grew and her secret, exposed. Their sailors sailed the Seven Seas in their hundreds, tricking merfolks and all sea dwellers, capturing them at large, slaying them, and having their blood mixed into the makings of healing balms, and drops of youth, it was sold at higher prices and only the rich could afford them.

These manmade potions began to heal many of their diseases even the ones their physicians couldn't name. This drove them harder into the capturing of sea dwellers, those who had paired with sea dwellers killed their partners for greed's sake.

Once Atana's remaining strengths left her, she was soon captured and killed. A war arose between the sea creatures and the humans. It lasted for hundreds of years and many were killed. Then Neptune died and the sixth was called. He pleaded with the merfairies and they swept Aquarial deeper into the depths of the sea and created the strongest of barriers so no one ever gets in or out of the city. As years flew by, the merfairies used their powers to wipe their memories from the remnant of the human race until their existence faded with the wind, and thus till this day the humans considered them mystical creatures only found and created by wandering authors with wild imaginations in children's bedtime stories.

Aquarial was saved and the sea creatures hated the likes of the humans for they were selfish and greedy. They gave them their own and they killed her for her blood. Who said the sea creatures were immortal? Even they die in time, and only the kings and Tideians have the power of reincarnation. The Witches of Glasa made a fool of the princess who sorted nothing but for those, she loved to live as long as she could.

In the city of Riveri lies the golden lake of immortality, just a jar filled with the sparkly water would have kept her Duke as young as they both shall live. But, Atana had acted according to her own fate and the end she met wasn't the one Aquarial had expected. The witches of Glasa had indeed fooled her even until the end.

After all, she gave all for her handsome Duke. Until this day, the sea dwellers never made themselves known to the humans, and only when they began to pollute the seas would Neptune, rage and the sea would rise and destroy both those sailing above and those who have made their dwellings within close range to the sea. But, even in that, the humans considered these disasters as natural. The Merfairies had done great work as protectors of the Seven Seas and its dwellers till this day.

A decree was made by the Elder of Elders that if Neptune is to have a daughter, she shall be given to the next Tideian as his merbride and so it has been for thousands of years since that great war.


The big-screen shut off and the pupils seated in the class exhaled. They had watched the history of Aquarial so many times that they could relate its happenings with their eyes closed. Bored out of their minds they wanted to escape the class and ran off.

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