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Chapter: 5.

Using his still wet shirt, he wiped his eyes clean, fuck, he must look like shit. Looking around the room he wondered where to even begin. He has been eating and sleeping in a dumpster for days.

How does anyone live like this?

He picked up a box and began picking up the bottles. He was at his sixth bottle when his phone began to vibrate again. Fuck, he had become such an alcoholic. Putting down the box he walked over to the made bed and picked up his phone. It was Easton, probably returning to the room. He dropped the phone and rushed over to clear the bottles. A foul stench filled his nostrils, twisting his facial expressions into that of disgust. His eyes scanned the room for the source and soon found the many boxes of unfinished foods and pizza boxes with rotten slices sticking everywhere.

"Fuck, Alex!" He cussed, putting down the box of bottles. The bottles weren't very important anymore, he needed to get rid of those rotten foods, fast. As he hurried to gather the many boxes, each had food left in them, he realized how less and less he had eaten the last few weeks. It's like his eating habits had gone down to zero, as the last three days boxes he bought were kept untouched but opened on the table. Like he had prepared to eat them but had forgotten.

With hands filled with food boxes, a knock returned to his door and he walked over to the bin to dump the rotten things. Realizing the bin was full, he forced them in nonetheless, using hands and feet to shove them inside and the knock at his door wouldn't stop. He still had a lot to do but he couldn't keep Easton waiting out for much longer so he went over to the door, unlocked and pulled it open.

Easton smiled and he forced one of his own. The man smelt like spring water and shaven cream. Dressed casually in black jeans on a white long-sleeved shirt, a brown boot on his feet. In one hand he held a bag and in the other, his phone. His wandering eyes returned to gorgeous blue eyes, thick lashes and brow, and finally to his all laid-back black hair.

"Invite me in once you have finished, accessing my look."

He choked on air and shook his head, clearing his jumbled-up brain. "Oh, sorry. Please come in, be careful where you step, I was cleaning up." Easton walked in smoothly, he walked over to the recently cleared table to place the bag and his phone then he was heading to the windows. It was when he began to pull thick curtains aside and opened the windows that Alexander realized he hadn't even opened them to let the foul stench out.


"Are you going to just stand there or are you going to help me get this place cleaned up?" His eyes fell into those seas of blues and he smiled despite himself. He doesn't deserve a friend like Easton. Having dedicated his entire existence to Maria, he hadn't made a single friend. Didn't go out for parties or hang out with friends or even coworkers. Only when it's inevitable that he attended one of the gatherings his ex-bosses held. Even then he didn't socialize that much with coworkers but somehow, Easton had noticed him and liked him since then.

Who would have thought?

He bent down and began picking up bottles, while Easton packed up whatever was left of the food boxes, his shoes, and socks, then his many clothing lying around at every corner. They cleaned up silently and not once did Easton make a remark at how smelly the room was or how messy the place was. He never said a word, he just helped him clean up and in no time, the room was squeaky clean. Dishes were done and kitchen sinks rubbed down clean. Dirty clothes in the washing machine. His carpet and rug swept, fresh air flowed into the room. "There, all done."

Alexander smiled. He looked around the room and nodded. "Thanks." Easton waved him off.

"Go get out of those wet clothes and take a bath, I brought lunch." He pointed to the bag he had placed on the table and Alexander nodded without a word. Like a good boy he walked into the bathroom, got cleaned up, and by the time he returned, Easton had already set the table, lots of healthy food, fruits, water, and orange juice but he felt sad as he didn't seem very hungry. "It's alright, Xander, just a bite will do but drink lots of that orange juice and some water." He nodded again, drew a chair close, and sat down. They both ate in silence, only sharing a few words here and there. What they didn't finish, Easton packed up and placed into the refrigerator. "Get changed, we are leaving." He announced once he returned from putting away the leftovers.

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