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Chapter: 39.

"Mr. Easton?!"

The man jumped around at the sudden call. Who knew him around here? If he could remember he hasn't been here before. Agreeable maybe once or twice. But none knew him directly by his name even his favorite fisherman didn't know his name. It was alarming to hear someone calling out of the blue. Once he had turned towards the direction he heard his name, he became even more shocked at who he saw standing there like he owns the place, a hand dipped into one of his pockets and eyes fixed on him like they would tear him apart and bury him from where he stands.

He's only there to buy fresh seafood.

"What are you doing here?!" The angered man demanded impatiently.

"Um...I...uh-" lowering his head, Easton cleared his throat, suddenly feeling parched and sweaty. He inspected the bodyguards behind the man and blinked, wondering what he would say that might trigger the man to unleash those men upon him. "Just here to buy seafood..." he choked out.

"Hah...didn't know you enjoy them as well, I do too... I should invite you to lunch sometime." The man answered walking forward while he unintentionally backed away slowly.

Laughing in a strangled tone, Easton felt his eyes sting. "That would be great," he muttered.

"Find him yet?"

He swallowed at the question. He dared to look up into those eyes but swallowed and removed his eyes so fast once their eyes met. "Yes, Yes, I found him alright." He informed him.

"Good." Falcon groaned deep under his breath then turned to one of his bodyguards. "Go." A single command with a nudge of his head and the monster of a man was turning and leaving. "Where is he?" He asked, facing Easton yet again.

"H-He is-"

"Sir!" A man tapped on his shoulder blade cutting his information off. He didn't know if he should be grateful for the distraction or annoyed by it but he turned around and found the fisherman behind him.

"I packed your orders." He said pointing to the crates lined up on a nearby table.

He didn't know he bought so much.

This Falcon saw and now his curiosity was higher than his office building.

"All that seafood?" He charged after the man. "What?" He eyed him suspiciously with a wicked glare. "Planning to open a seafood mart and run away with Alexander so I wouldn't find you both?!"

"No!" Easton cried but quickly lowered his head whispering a more reasonable "no" this time.

"You can't possibly want to eat all that?"

"Well, the thing is...it's for a guest."

"You're having a party?"

"Something like that."

"What are you celebrating?"

"I'm... the launching of White Prince."

"Then I should be invited."

"Ah! Yes, absolutely, I will...uh...send you an invite."

"Where is Alexander?"

"He's at home?" Mentally face-palming the second those words left his mouth. Feeling like a huge idiot he met the man's face.

"You're hiding something from me, Mr. Easton, you shouldn't do that. I will find out either way." Turning on his heels he smirked. "Tell Alexander that I'm coming." With that said he was walking away. Easton let out a long stretched breath and returned his gaze to the fisherman.

He will have to get both Xander and the Merman out of that apartment.

Once he's paid for his seafood and loaded them carefully into his jeep, he drives first to his home, he has a huge pool he was certain the Merman would be comfortable in. He might be needing a lot of salt though but since they hadn't tried to put him in clean water how would they know if it wouldn't be good for him? Xander was able to fill his tub with seawater because it was small there is no way in hell he would fill an entire pool with seawater but first, he needs to get the Merman into the water and think of other options later if it happens not to be suitable for a Merman.

There is one more thing to do and since most of the seafood he bought was still alive, he gathered them first and scattered them into the pool.

Stepping back a few feet he smiled as he saw them swimming around playfully, given he wouldn't be swimming in his pool for a while but the Merman should feel a little at home with food to eat. It's an all-in-one package.

Even with the filled pool he still had more fish in his kitchen the entire place was starting to reek of seafood but he didn't mind.

Anything for Xander, right?

Speaking of which, he had better go bring them home before Falcon gets there.


A loud bang threw Alexander off his bed and onto the floor. He sprang to his feet and stared first towards his bathroom then jumped when he heard his name.


"East?!" He asked, squinting his eyes in the darkness.

"It's me you idiot, we are getting out of here now!" Easton ordered and frowned looking for the light switch. "Why do you enjoy the darkness so much!" He seethed and flipped the lights on.

"Oh, it burns, too bright!" Alexander cried, wincing.

"Shut up!"

"What's wrong? You smell like fish!" He sniffed the air around him and made a barfing face.

"Yeah, thanks to you I happened to have taken a bath with a school of fish!"

"Very funny..." Alexander snorted with a roll of his eyes while sitting back on his bed. "What were you yammering about?" He asked more seriously this time. "Didn't know it takes so long to buy fresh seafood!"

"You're such an idiot." Easton shook his head at his idiotic friend, completely forgetting what it was he was in a hurry to inform him about.

"I'm the idiot?!" Alexander yelled. "You're the one who barged in yelling down Mrs. Takahashi's roof!"

"Oh, Xander just shut it for one second I need to think!"

"Why, what happened, did something happen at the market, you saw someone?"

"Right! I saw Falcon at the fish market and he said he's coming to get you, we need to leave!"

"What?" Alexander choked with a scowl, "he can't take me against my will and I have a Merman in my tub. I can't leave him alone here."

"We are taking him."


"I made him a home in my pool. He should be more comfortable there."

"What about seawater?"

"We will pour in salt if he isn't okay with clean water now go carry him let's leave!"

"Salt?" He questioned with raised brows.

"Now it's not the time, Xander, go grab the merman, c'mon!"

Pulling his duvet out from the bed Alexander rushed into the bathroom, the Merman still sleeps, he drenched the duvet with water until it was soaking and heavy then he draped it around the Merman, and together both men hauled him out of the tub with Easton grabbing the shoulders and Alexander grabbing the tail.

"This is crazy!" Alexander said as they made their way out of the bathroom. "Why should I be running away from my home because of one man?"

"You wanna hang around and find out?" Easton teased. "You know, ask him directly when he arrives."

"Shut it."

"That's what I thought," Easton said grunting.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now