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Chapter: 60.

He checked in the adjoining lobby, the departmental floor, and the employee lounge, and even asked a couple of the other secretaries if they had seen her.

He sucked in a deep breath and considered his options. Where had he not checked, the ladies' restroom excluded?

Still musing when the gentle clearing of a throat caught his attention, he had slowly turned to peer down at the secretary stationed nearest the HR office. She was pretty, with large hazel eyes and chestnut-colored curls. They were gathered up into a chignon, as per company standard he had learned, but a few errant locks tickled at her cheeks he watched her, she seemed to be speaking into the phone and at the same time addressing him.

"Sally?" She asked and he nodded. "She's in the office with Mr. Falcon." She explained, holding up a finger whilst she murmured into the receiver. "... yes, of course. I'll send him right in..." peeking up to glance at him she informed him. "Mr. Falcon would like to see you now."

He blanked.

Mr. Falcon?

He is in the company?

So, he's probably aware he's been slaving away in his office the entire day?

She must have realized he had spaced, because in the next moment she'd been clearing her throat again, nodding in the direction of that familiar golden elevator, he remembered all too well.

Mr. Falcon would like to see you now? He repeated in his mind. In that same office where he had stolen kisses and breath?


He had hoped he wasn't present, nor was he expecting to come face to face with the man, at least not anytime soon. This was soon, too soon. He wasn't ready to be face to face with that man.

"Mr. Rodriguez ..." she cleared her throat and he jumped, meeting her gaze.

"Yes, yes, I'm going." He muttered and turned toward the elevator.

The ride was the longest he had experienced since the day he rode with Falcon beside him. Once the elevator dinged he stepped out and looked sideways to the spacious lobby spotting the enormous double doors with Falcon inscribed. He breathed and took his first step. Every step he took weighed heavier and heavier on his heart. Was his tie straight, had he crushed his suit? Were his glasses sitting properly?


Dammit, he had forgotten to take those off after working.

He probably looked like a goose.

He found himself checking these things over carefully, even going so far as to brush hands over his hair for good measure. At that point, there was little else that he could do to look more presentable, so he sucked a deep breath in through his nose and very hesitantly pushed one of the large doors open. What met his eyes was almost unbelievable, too remarkable to really exist. Falcon's office was spacious, sprawling, even with a very modern yet artistically sleek atmosphere. He envied it. He envied the beautiful floors, the leather seating arrangement he was sure felt like butter to the touch, and most of all the cityscape beyond the floor-to-ceiling panes of his office. Already twinkling with the arrival of the evening hours, it was dazzling. He sure had missed this beauty the last time he was here, engrossed by the man who held him captive, he didn't notice just how beautiful his office was.

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