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Chapter: 74.

"Take your clothes off," Alexander panted. He smiled when Matthew immediately obeys, stepping back as he pulls off his shirt, quickly followed by socks, jeans, and underwear. Alexander’s mouth practically watered as he stared at his perfectly sculpted strong body. He wants to touch every part of him, especially that glorious, hard cock. He was wickedly huge, it made his heart throb. But it seems only fair that he should get naked too, so he begins undoing the buttons on his shirt.

"Wait," Matthew says, moving Alexander’s hands away. "Let me do it."

Alexander stands completely still while he goes to work on his clothes. The feeling of being undressed with such attentive care, became intoxicating, the way he opens his shirt like he's unveiling a unique work of art, the way he licks his lips when he lowers his pants. It was all so sexy. Like he was some treasure he needed to be his most cautious when handling.

It made Alexander feel fragile, weak and subdued. Slowly, he felt his heart melting away into Matthew's gentle loving. He was giving up control without realizing it. Surrendering to this man's dominance, he could never win against him no matter how hard he tried. His emotions for this man seem to have doubled, no, make that tripled since he had sex with Tide. Call it his imagination wandering, but he could swear there was something linking this man before him and the merman he fell in love with. He didn’t think he was going to take his job offer but here he was, not only did he take the job but he had also fallen face first for this man who would not let his heart breathe easy. 

It was all too much.

“So damn hot,” Matthew growled, causing a shiver to rock Alexander’s core. “And so hard,” he said as he stroked a finger up Alexander’s inner thigh. "It's so hard to listen to the sweet sounds of your moans and whimpers, to watch the rhythm of your breathing, watching the way your body moves into my touch, and yet I cannot take what I wish."

Alexander blinked several times, unsure if he had heard him correctly. "Why can't you?" he had to ask. He thought he had made that clear when he said he wanted him as well.

Matthew smiled. It was an almost wistful gesture as if he held regret within him. "Because I am afraid of wanting too much."

"Too much?"

"Yes, Alexander, too much, you have no idea how I want to take you."

Alexander sat up and slid his fingers through Matthew’s hair, tilting his head back to see his eyes. "I want you," he whispered. "I want to feel you, I want you as much as you want me, Matthew, whichever ways you want me."

Matthew closed his eyes and turned his head enough to kiss Alexander's palm softly. "To hear my name on your lips..."

Alexander turned his head back around. "Then give me the chance to say it when you're buried deep inside me."

"Have you been bonded before?"

"No, you'll be my first."

"Do you want me to?"

"More than anything."

A soft sigh fell from Matthew's lips as they parted. Alexander closed the distance between them this time, wanting to regain the feeling of barely-leased passion they both had been caught in only moments before. In reality, it didn't take long. The moment their lips met, Matthew's hand circled Alexander's cock, drawing out a cry from Alexander as he stroked it. Alexander fell onto the bed. Every slow stroke was torture, pure exquisite torture, and Alexander rode through it all.

He lifted his head just enough to see Matthew's gaze shift from his face to the glistening tip of his cock. Then those lips parted and a soft, pale pink tongue slipped out to flick across the tip. Alexander gasped and his head fell back once again. He reached down and held Matthew's hair back, his breath catching as Matthew rolled his tongue around his cock. Then there was warmth. Sweet, blessed heat. Alexander cried out as the slick velvet of Matthew's mouth engulfed him, surrounding him in a warm, silken sheath.

“Gods." At that moment, Alexander was unsure if the word was a curse or a prayer. Perhaps both. Matthew's tongue was like a flame, dancing around the hardened flesh and teasing Alexander to no end. If he died now, he would die happy. 

Slicking the shaft with saliva, Matthew began stroking his hand up and down Alexander's cock as his lips surrounded and caressed it. That tongue, those enchanting lips; they drew every little touch of resistance out of Alexander, the resistance he wasn't aware he'd had at all. He began moving his hips, slowly at first, working his cock in and out of Matthew's mouth in slow strokes. When he felt a hand brush his inner thigh, he spread his legs, pulling them up and apart. A single fingertip, slick with spit, touched him and he groaned. He rocked his hips downward as his thrusts into Matthew's mouth grew more desperate. Matthew pushed his finger inside and Alexander lost it. He cried out as he shoved his cock all the way into the back of Matthew's throat. Matthew put forth no resistance and he slowly withdrew his finger.

With tongue out and tasting his lover’s essence, Matthew rose to his feet and just stared down at the sinful sight sprawled on his bed, like the sweetest sin, laid there like he were a banquet prepared for the Gods his arching cock jumped at the sight and he blinked when he saw Alexander got up and went on his knees in front of him. Matthew doubted he was in his right state of mind, maybe he felt he needed to return the favor or that he simply wanted to make him feel as good as he had made him feel but either way he had to stop him. Matthew raised his hands to help him up but the sweet lusty eye staring back at him rendered his arms immobile and he retrieved them to his back and just looked down at his lover instead.

Alexander knew what he wanted to do. He knelt before Matthew and then very slowly looked up at him. Alexander couldn't help but shiver when he saw the lust in Matthew's eyes. Alexander leaned in and kissed Matthew’s hip with light kisses, Matthew hissed. Alexander’s breath was warm, fanning against his skin. Holding back, he clenched his fists tightly and hid them behind his back. Afraid he might lose control and jump the man so roughly he might bleed but he needed to be patient, this was his lover's first time and he wouldn't want to hurt him with his animalistic cravings.

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