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Chapter: 61.

That evening both men had returned home exhausted. Tide was lying at the bottom of the pool when both men arrived at the pool. For a moment there they panicked something was wrong but relaxed once they saw him breathing.

"Tide, baby, you awake?" Alexander called and the merman opened tired eyes to acknowledge them but made no effort to come to the surface.

The merman had spent the entire day thinking about his city, his home, Neptune, his mother, father, and brother, Nixie his friend, and his little merbabies from school. He wondered how Aquarial was holding up with his absence. Has Neptune taken another Tideian? What is the fate of the mermen who had betrayed him? Had they been discovered for their crime? That's very likely. Neptune would rage without his Tideian and the Festival could be held until his return. Surely, Naga must have seen into his fate and known he's still alive and if he's aware then Neptune must be aware too.

He misses home.

His duties?

They would be left unattended.

Aquarial needs him. He needs his Neptune.

But he was glad he had the opportunity to be on land, to see these people he had taught about for years, surely, they must be the evil ones amongst them like they have the Witches of Glasa but he had also been fated to meet the good ones, Easton and his Alexander, the human who loves him selflessly and would make sacrifices for him without considering the dangers he brings to himself.

Humans are feeble.

But, his Alexander is strong-willed and determined to help him even when he had no idea from whence he should begin.

He would tell his mother about his human and his bosom friend, of how gentle, how loving, they are and to tell her they aren't all as they had all presumed them to be, although he hadn't been able to see much of this foreign world, walk around and meet other people yet he could nearly tell that while most are good the bad ones still linger close by.

If he fell into the wrong hands, who knows what his fate would have been. Like the little ones he had run away from and had gotten trapped between rocks yet they threw stones and sands at him and mocked him.

Atana, because of one man, the true love she found, gave up her beautiful city and her Soupearl.

His Soulpearl was getting weaker, he couldn't transform back into a human, he could barely move his tail, and his breathing had gone shallow but he didn't want to frighten the human who loves him. He could read his mind, hearing clearly how distraught he was that he was in such a poor state. That was more than enough trouble he would cause the human.

His innocent Alexander.

"Tide, baby, are you awake?" He peered bleary eyes open to assure him he was still alive, how much longer he couldn't tell but for now, he is alive and Alexander can breathe another night. "Blink once if you're okay and twice if you need me to jump in and get you out." That had the merman breaking a smile. He did though, he blinked once and he heard him breathe a sigh of relief.

This eased the Merman's mind as he watched him move away from the poolside to converse with his friend.

"I think he's getting weaker."

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now