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Chapter: 137.

Alexander had only stopped talking and they just all laughed over what he said when Matthew began to feel uneasy. His heart began to beat faster, it almost seemed like he was going into an attack. Not wanting to scare those around him he endured through it silently but he could only endure for much longer. One hand reached for his head and he quickly wiped a handful of sweat from his forehead. He was sweating bullets even in a cold room. Tide was moving fast, it was dark and lonely the part he walked on and it didn't look safe at all. Matthew tried to reach him, to pull him back, feeling that something terrible was going to happen. He knew where he was headed, knew his purpose for going and even though Matthew didn't know that until now, Tide had fed into their conscience and knew what was happening with Alexander's daughter. He couldn't sit idly by and something bad would happen. Matthew thought he heard his name but couldn't make out from where the sound came or who was calling him. Too deep in his own conscience all he saw was his Half, approaching what looked like an abandoned warehouse, a dangerous place for one to be found wandering into. Whatever Tide saw he saw and whatever Tide heard he also heard, all while still sat there, with his brother, friend and Lover.

The other three men had noticed the spaced out look on Matthew's face, they tapped his shoulder, called his name, shook him even but he sat there, eyes wide open and staring into nothing, it was starting to worry the men. Matthew seemed so lost in his thoughts, so unaware of his surroundings, just sitting there, unmoving, just breathing fast and wet lashes.

"What do you think is wrong with him?" Easton asked after sometime and Michael shrugged confused.

Alexander got on his feet and leaned into the table, close enough his forehead nearly touched that of the other man. His eyes seem to be rolling into the back of his head and his mouth set firmly. A deep frown on his lips. Alexander gasped when he saw a line of red begin to slip through his nostrils. "Shit!"  He exclaimed and ran toward Matthew. His hands were shaking and tears were coming out of his eyes as soon as he touched the other. Michael and Easton exchanged worried glances before coming to stand beside Alexander. "He is fucking bleeding, that's fucking blood coming from his nose!" The other two men didn't know what to say as Alexander began to check Matthew's pulse, he tried not to cry too loud, trying not to draw attention to himself.

Matthew was having difficulty taking breaths now and every time he did he let out a small whine as if in pain. When the first man pulled his trigger at Tide Matthew yelled, shot up from his seat the only movement he's made since he suddenly went into the trance and then slumped to the ground. Michael's brian went into an overdrive when he saw his brother drop and the blood gushing from a wound that had opened in his chest. Shoving Alexander aside, he knelt beside his brother then gathered him into his hands lovingly, calling and shaking him with a trembling voice, he was afraid. From the moment his brother told him about Tide, their connection, and past, Michael has feared for the uncertainty in their future but never once did he think that his fear would come true. He was scared because no matter how hard he tries he can't control anything, he just watches as it goes down, waiting for the other shoe to drop. He can't stop it, he's powerless. In one day he has lost Lina and now his twin is lying unconscious, bleeding from a wound they didn't know from whence it came about.

Men began to file into the Room but Michael wouldn't let anyone touch his brother so he carried him and began to walk out of the Lounge.

"Call an Ambulance!" Alexander shouted to them but Michael was out of the hotel, into his car and riding away with a reckless speed into the young night leaving both East and Alexander behind. A chauffeur pulled up in front of them and they rode off with the rest, chasing Michael who was beating all speed limits at this point.

A single tear slowly ran down Matthew's face as he lay still on the bed, the memories from the past hour playing in his conscience, wondering if Tide was alive even as he lay unconscious. His surgery was a success but they needed to keep him under observation for a bit more while they waited for him to wake up.


While he waited impatiently for any news of his brother at the door, his phone began to ring. Michael grunted displeasingly but picked up anyway when he saw who the caller was, knowing he may have tried to reach his brother first, Michael proceeded to put the phone in his ears.

"Mario?" He said into the receiver.

"Boss, we found their hideout but we was gonna get in there when we spotted this strange man walk in ahead of us, we thought he was one of them or that he saw us and was gonna blow our cover and he was alone, we waited to hear the sound of chaos in there and when we heard the first shot we went into action only getting there to find all five men dead and the strange man bleeding blue blood, the weirdest shit ever, Boss, I swear its not made up, you can ask the boys." Mario informed him with a slight shakiness in his deep voice. He and his men had searched the entirety of the warehouse but there was no sign of him, one said he saw him walk into a blue hole or was it a door either way, he just up and vanished.

"And their bodies?" Michael asked.

"I was gonna call in waste management to come clean up but the bodies turned into a fucking big ball of smoke and flew out the open doors, the fuck was all that!" He blurted, clearly still shaken by the incident.

"Are you asking me?" Michael queried.

"No, Boss, I'm sorry, Boss." He replied, sounding a little more composed as he heard Michael chuckling quietly on the other line. Tide has gone and done like him. How did he even know what was happening? Probably felt it from either Matthew or Alexander, whatever the case may be, their little girl was back and safe and that is all that matters.

"Will that be all?"

"We got Lorenzo, Boss, he walked in at the wrong time, but, Boss, we couldn't find your daughter, I think the superhero showoff took her." He muttered worriedly.

"Ah, it's alright, she's safe, she's with me." Michael informed him.

"Oh, thank Fuck!" The other exhaled. "What should we do with this fucker, Boss?" He asked and Michael was going to reply but paused when he heard a familiar voice in the background. "Your police officers just arrived." Mario informed him.

"Hand him over to them and scram, make it look good." Michael instructed.

"Got it Boss!" The line disconnected. Mario looked to his men and nodded. "Boss said make it look good." The first smiled and threw the first punch at the still fuming Lorenzo who didn't understand why his plan got messed up so badly.

Once he arrived at the meeting place, he had hoped to find Paris by the door but instead he met an unknown man, before he could take his gun out another had ambushed him from behind, beating his head with a bat and knocking him out. He woke up chained and bleeding from the side of his head surrounded by more men. Helpless, angry, and frustrated, he knelt there and fumed.


Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now