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Chapter: 59.

That morning came like every other, nothing specific, just two friends getting ready for work, Tide was sitting in the kitchen bar, staring at both men get dressed while he causally munched down on his breakfast. Easton is the man after his heart and belly, he would say. Once both men were done turning the house upside down, finally set, they stood before Tide as if awaiting his praise to boost their confidence.

"You both look beyond great!" He muttered as he threw the last of his breakfast into his mouth. "I'm going back into the pool." He whispered, a little sad.

"Hey, Hey..." Alexander was holding his hands in place. "Don't make that face, baby, please, I promise, if I see as little as a one beep call from you I'm coming home." He said, giving him a gentle smile that proved his point.

"I know, but you don't have to do that..." Tide smiled back with a kiss on his lips, he left the house, and through the French doors, he could see him get into the pool and transform.

"I can't get used to seeing him do that!" Easton gawked sheepishly.

"Shall we?" Alexander asked, turning towards the exit door.

The ride to Falcon was silent, both men barely said more than a few words to each other, anxiousness ate at Alexander as his heart wouldn't stop wandering back and forth from his first kiss shared with Falcon to the sex dream. The possibility that he might see the man today made the situation more difficult.

"You okay?" He turned towards the driver's side to find Easton already standing by the door. Taking his eyes off his friend to look around them, they were in the parking garage of Falcon.

"Yeah." He whispered, getting out of the car and smoothening his creased suit.

"You sure?" Easton asked, coming to stand before him. "You've been out of it for a while, you didn't even realize we are here."

"I'm..." he sighed. "I'll be fine." He nodded with a forced smile. "Come on." And so both men walked.

Sally met both men at the lobby hallway like the last time and once she had given her greetings and taken the files in Easton's hand, she proceeded to address Alexander.

"Welcome, Sir," she nodded towards him to which Alexander offered a gentle smile, still trying to conceal his emotions. "Miss, April will be with you shortly, she is your assistant, and should you need anything do not hesitate to inquire from her."

"Assistant-" The words haven't even left his mouth when he saw a gorgeously dressed woman walking towards them, she looked rather intimidating with that bold smile that stuck to her face like she was born with it.

"Hello, Sir..." she called, with an arm extended. "I'm April McCarthy," she introduced herself and shook his hand firmly.

"Oh, uh, Alexander..." he barely muttered.

"Nice to meet you at last, Sir, I've been wondering when you would show up." She spoke and let his arm free. "This way, Sir, I'll lead you to your office." She walked ahead and when Alexander turned to find both East and Sal, both were gone.


"And, could you not use the Sir word all the time, makes me a little uncomfortable." He pleaded as he ran after the lady.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now