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Chapter: 49.

He took them and settled them beside the bed and whilst he did so he heard her begin to speak to him again. "Know this, little Matthew, just as the descendant of Bell the daughter of Atana walks the earth today, so does the descendant of Downy, the one who betrayed his mother."

"But, granma..." he called and when he looked up to her bed she was lying peacefully in it with her eyes wide open but her breath was no more, he still had too many questions to ask, too many he would still wish to know but for now he needed to bring these bags home safely.

He was convinced now, without a doubt, that it wasn't just a fairy tale they told him. He informed the nurses of her passing and thus returned home with his treasures to store them away for safety. And since that day his pendant had only heated his skin once which was when she had wrapped it around his neck and today once he saw that merman cosplayer in Alexander's hands.

Now, standing in the presence of all these mystical treasures his heart without a doubt knew that the cosplayer is indeed not a cosplayer, Alexander has found a Merman and Easton knew about this which would explain why he was at the fish market earlier and why he seemed so startled when he saw him and a terrible liar when he tried to evade his questions. He knew matters like this were delicate and needed to be treated with the highest level of secrecy so he must remain vigilant and watchful of both Alexander and his found Merman, the Seas had chosen Alexander for a purpose a link he could clearly see was joint with him.

For how else would A Tideian find His Atana if not through His Alexander.


Alexander woke up to a tickling sensation down his toes. He jumped, snapping his eyes open to find Tide at his feet nibbling on his toes, at first it was ticklish but soon it began to raise a fire inside him. He felt heat filling his face as well as his groin. Maybe it's because it's been so long he got laid, speaking of getting laid when was the last time he even did as little as masturbated? He couldn't remember when. It made him frown and was going to have the naughty merman pulled away from his leg when he noticed he was still asleep but his tongue kept nibbling on those toes like it were a special meal prepared for him. The sound of his bedroom door unlocking followed by the voice of his best friend who had just poked his head into his room distracted his attention away from the merman.

"Have you seen the merman...?" The rest of his question faded when he spotted the merman by Alexander's feet with cupid lips nibbling on naked toes. "Oh.." he started but Alexander threw a pillow at the smirking man stopping him from making any more ridiculous sexual remarks. With a smile playing on his lips, he took in his friend's appearance, dressed neatly in a tux, he was ready for work.

"Off to work?" he asked, sitting up in bed and slowly rescuing his toes from the merman.

"Yeah, I have avoided Matthew's calls one too many, any more and I could get fired and inasmuch as I love you, I wouldn't want to lose my job especially now that WP is on her way."

"You're right, I would hate myself if you lost your precious WP..." Alexander paused as if he contemplated his next words, Easton knowing what was going through his mind at the time, moved into the room and towards him, the bed deepened when he sat on it, close enough to have Alexander at arms reach where he proceeded to pull him close to himself, while having him rest his head on his shoulder blade, Easton stroked his disheveled hair and smiled when he heard him chuckle softly.

"Hmm, you like that don't you..." Easton husked.

Alexander moaned. "You tease..."

Easton laughed, returning his focus to the important matter, he asked. "What troubles you?"

Alexander sighed deeply... "I-It..." his words broke into silence.

"Don't think about him, just relax and look after your merman, if anything goes wrong I will be sure to give you a call."

"What about my job?" He asked, removing his head off Easton's shoulder to face him so they were now eye to eye. "I have only gotten that job, You know how badly I could use a good-paying job right now, and Allison, I have missed my daughter, East, I need to spend time with her, be with her, and she misses me too, I can't stand to be this separated from her for much longer, in the end, I need Matthew."

"And the merman?" Easton asked, eyes shifting to look at the still sleeping merman. "He needs you too, this much is certain, he chose you for a reason."

Alexander burst into a peal of loud laughter at his stupid friend's remark. "You think he chose me?" he asked still laughing.

"Yeah, why?" Easton asked between laughter.

"If there was any choice in this matter then it would be me who chose him. I found him trapped between rocks and nearly got stoned to death by some dumb kids so in any case if anyone chose anybody that would be me."

"Yeah whatever," Easton rose on his feet and smoothen his tux with his hands while still glancing over at the merman. "I made breakfast, I have no idea what to prepare for him, so I just made sushi out of nearly every seafood I bought so he can just dig in once he is hungry and as for you if you still need the job, it's not too late to dress up and meet me downstairs or give him a call, I can guarantee your voice would thaw his icy heart."

Alexander smiled.

"What?" Easton asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

"What...What?" Alexander returned with a frown.

"What was that smile?!"

"What smile?"

"I said your voice would thaw his icy heart and I swear I caught you smiling...that way!" Easton tried to imitate the dreamy smile. "Like a love-struck schoolboy...that smile!"

"I don't know what you think you saw but you're wrong." Alexander denied. Nothing gets passed this jerk.

"Oh, am I?"

"Yes, now go to work, you are going to be late, talking all kinds of nonsense..."

Easton chuckled and decided to drop it.

For now.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now