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Chapter: 112.

Both Mers went into the Underwaters, there just like Naga said they came across a Crystal. Nexie cloaked Tide with her magic and he approached the Crystal quickly, after a few broken fins he succeeded in killing it, with his sword he cut the Crystal's chest and pulled out its heart, the Ocean Heart, it was the second time he would behold such beauty, like the brightest, biggest precious stone, it glowed in his hands, carefully he handed it over to Nexie then returned to properly bury the Crystal not without thanking her for her gift and for helping him save his lover.

Both Mers then returned to the home of the Merdragon. Naga upon seeing the Ocean Heart could not express his joy another way, he quickly took it from Nexie and laughed so loudly it had the Mers laughing along with him.

"Besides the Great Halls of Aquarial, I alone will have the honor of owning one of these in my own Home." He boasted to them and then began casting a spell for a crystal orb where he placed the Ocean Heart. "Now," He muttered and turned toward the Mers. "You have paid the price and I am indebted to return the favor, Young Tide."

Tide nodded and sat beside Nexie while they watched carefully giving their undivided attention to the Elder. He walked slowly toward them and then stood right in front of them, holding in his hand the DragonRock which has Alexander's SoulPearl. "As a merman, who can not reincarnate, this is the best you can have him under the Seas, but if you want him to be born again, alive and well, that you will be able to perhaps see him, maybe even hold him, then he can only reincarnate not as a Mer but as a human," Naga told them and watched as Tide's eyes bulged in pure horror.

"If I want him with me, under the Seas, I can only have him in that Rock?" He asked and hissed when Naga nodded. "And if I want him reincarnated, then I must send him into the human world?" He asked again and once again Naga nodded.

"I told you it is not an easy one and if you really want to do this then you must pay attention to all I am about to say."

Nodding, Tide replied. "Yes, Naga."

"He loves to be amongst the Humans, does he not?"

"He does, very much, I think it has to do with that dungeon he mentioned, either way, he does like to be amongst them." He frowned remembering the first time Alexander had mentioned that place, then he proceeded to make him see through his mind this place he often snuck away to visit. A place men and women are tied and whipped with horsetails and stroked into pleasure. He never understood why he seemed too keen on these types of plays but clearly, Alexander begged to differ.

"Then this is the only way to grant him a chance at reincarnation."

Tide shook his head in disagreement, although hundreds of years had passed since the war and the humans have forgotten about them and their dreadful act toward them yet they have not forgotten, they all still remembered it like it had only happened yesterday and now Naga is telling him that the only way Alexander could return is by being one of the Humans, he can not allow that.

"They killed him, Naga," Tide's voice trembled slightly and tears were brimming in his eyes. "The Humans are the reason he is in this state, how then can I allow him to be reborn as one of them?"

Naga smiled calmly at both Mer and then went on to speak. "He once loved them, so greatly he dragged you around and about to visit their towns and explore their surroundings, I am sure he would love to be one of them but it is entirely your choice, Tideian, for this is the best I can do for him, its either he is reborn as one of them or you can take this DragonRock home with you and keep him with you until the day you join him in death."

"But, I am a Tideian, I reincarnate, even if I keep his SoulPearl when I return he shall be held still, in this prison, I can not do that, years have passed since his death, his SoulPearl is fading, I can see it from the Rock, eventually he will fade away, we can not keep a SoulPearl imprisoned for eternity, the SoulPearl needs to be set free, to join the Gods."

"Spoken like a true Tideian, now what will your final decision be?" Naga asked.

"I am still here, my place is by my Neptune, if I send him to be reborn as one of them, doesn't that mean I shall never be seeing him again?" He asked. "For what use will any of this be if I bring him back yet can not be with him?"

"And there comes the tricky part, even after he is reborn, he will have no memories of you or the life he once lived, he will be just like the humans, nevertheless, he shall always be linked with Aquarial but not a memory shall remain, neither of you nor Aquarial."

"Naga," Tide cried softly. "How then will he remember to love me if he doesn't have any memories of us? This is all too difficult and none seem to favor me, Naga."

"If forced into remembering his shattered Soul shall break apart and he will die. He must not be forced into remembering, the pressure would be great for the human mind and he will surely die, so if we are to proceed with this, even if you find your way beside him, you will have to make him love you again, if he loved you first, surely he will fall in love with you again."

Merdragons are immortals, they never age, never die, shapeshifters, and often are found taking different forms when they are bored with one and for this reason, they have great magical Pearls more than ever is found in all the Seven Seas surely Naga should be able to do better than this and if he couldn't then perhaps this is all he can get.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz