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Walking side by side, both men stride down the stairs ever so gracefully, beaming smiles on their bright faces, with eyes twinkling with delight as their faces met those of men and women employees standing in wait and bowing slightly for a small nod from them before turning back to their workstations and working diligently, all except one who seemed to be more than a little preoccupied. She didn't seem to notice them until Easton tapped her softly on the shoulder and the little girl turned and immediately began to run into her father's waiting embrace. Alexander went on his knees and hugged his growing beautiful little lady, picking her up and twirling her around, both father and daughter's laughter rang throughout the house like the sweetest melody. His smile was genuine as he set his daughter back onto her feet and looked up to acknowledge Easton who was standing beside Michael and wearing a contagious smile on his handsome face. Alexander approached him and both friends clasped hands and kissed each other's cheeks, then Alexander embraced him and they held this hug for a moment longer. Alexander released his best friend and went over to Michael and took the offered hand, shaking hands and sharing warmth with their eyes and smiles.

"Lunch is served," DuBois announced from the doorway, one hand motioning outdoors.

Alexander nodded and took his daughter by the hand and together all five members of the family began to walk out of the door with Easton, Matthew, and Michael walking ahead of father and daughter, leaving them behind to catch up. Matthew had ordered that their lunch be served by the seaside and that is where they were headed. Allison talked calmly with her father as they walked, both sharing warm smiles and loving gazes as they talked.

Bare Feet touched wet sands and the warm sun graced golden skins, the seaside was exceptionally peaceful today and the sound of seagulls calling and enjoying the sunshine provided enchanting background music to Alexander's enjoyment of the beach. The weather too was perfect, sunny but not excessively hot, just enough to provide a bit of chill. It was a lovely day for strolling along the shoreline and chatting with his beloved daughter and Alexander basked in this precious moment.

It was all he ever wanted.

A happy home.

A peaceful home.

Allison asked a question but Alexander didn't hear it over the sound of someone calling his name and for a brief moment there he halted and turned sharply facing the sea but met nothing.

He could have sworn he heard his name.

After a while and with Allison now tapping her father's arm and calling his attention Alexander faced her once again and smiled apologetically at her.

"Are you alright, Daddy?" She asked concerned, her eyes wandering to the sea and back to her father.

"Ye-yeah, baby, I'm fine," He reassured her and she nodded with a smile that matched his own. "Baby," Alexander called and she turned to face her father.

"Yes, Dad?"

"Can you go ahead, I need a moment, I will be with you all soon," He requested and she hesitated for a second, looking concerned but obedient enough. She told him not to be too long and ran after the others. Alexander walked up to the edge of the sea and stood there gazing into the endless blue of the ocean until he heard his name again. He turned once again but met nothing. Even his daughter had disappeared someplace, the beach suddenly grew silent. The seagulls had ceased their chirping and no waves crashed upon the sand and just then a little farther from where he stood, he saw them. A merman swimming out from the sea and another shifting into a human, both seemed happy beyond words as they talked calmly to one another, their eyes radiating love and affection. Alexander watched them for a few seconds and his heart skipped a beat, his throat tightened and his breathing hitched. A pair of piercing green eyes locked on his and without thinking he gasped when he saw the face looking back at him but even more so when he noticed the Merman wasn't truly looking at him.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now