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Chapter: 15.

"Hello," he jumped at the sudden voice coming from the door, he got on his feet quickly and bowed slightly for the newly arrived.

"Um, hi, my name is Alexander Rodriguez, I'm here for an interview." He informed the professionally dressed lady politely and she smiled.

"Don't be so formal, Mr. Alexander, my name is Rosa and I'm just a secretary." He chuckled a little and she laughed. "Yes, I'm aware of your coming but the Boss isn't available at the moment, with lots of companies to manage he's barely anywhere when he's needed which is why he's in desperate need of someone to be in charge here."

"When you say to be in charge, are you by any chance referring to the entire mall?" He asked, confused. This wasn't part of Easton's description; it also just confirmed what he knew before now.

He wasn't getting the job.

"Yes," she nodded and walked over to her seat. "Please, sit." She waved and he sat. "You've had experience in this job before, yes?" She asked, flipping through a book on her desk.

"Yes, but I was only a manager for a supermarket. It wasn't anything like this."

"I see." She began to write down quickly in the notepad. "How many years?" She asked without looking up at him.

"Hm?" He asked, confused.

"Experience?" She looked up from the notepad and eyed him like he was some schoolboy and she, his teacher.

" nine years, I think." He replied.

"Impressive," she wrote down in her pad. "You're the only one actually." She told him.

"Excuse me?" He asked again. She seems to be speaking more to herself than to him, it was weird and it confused him to no end.

"The only one I have interviewed with this long-term experience in this line of work." Putting her pen down she closed the book and looked up at him. "You see, Mr. Clayton is looking for someone with at least twelve to fifteen years of work experience and preferably someone older but since you are the only person in three months who is this experienced, I think he can work with that." She told him but his mind had already left the office when she mentioned older.

"Okay." Was all he could manage.

"Let's have your file." She requested and he got up and handed it over to her. Taking his seat once again, he sighed. This was another waste of time and effort. He wasn't getting this job. He watched her go through his little lifetime accomplishments and waited impatiently.

"Is this all?" She asked and he could hear that tone of judgment in her voice. Like she was judging him for holding such a low profile. He simply nodded, he had already made up his mind. "Okay, just a second, I have to mail this to the Boss." She faced her computer and began typing away.

He hadn't expected that calm response. 

He thought she was going to hand him his file and dismiss him as the rest of the other interviewers.

While she worked on her computer he slowly nodded to the soft music playing in the office.

"Hmm," he looked up when he heard her and she eyed him again. "Are you married?" She asked.

He swallowed, "Divorced." He breathed out and she returned to her computer.

Exactly five minutes later and she was looking up at him again.

"Well, you're in luck, Mr. Rodriguez, the Boss just pulled into the mall, I'll take you to his office right away." She gathered his file and rose and he followed.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now