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Chapter: 80.

"No," Alexander replied quickly, trying to push past him. Easton caught him in an iron grip. Alexander struggled to pry him from his arms. "Let me go!" he exclaimed, trying to pull away. But as soon as he did, Easton gripped harder and began running his hands all over Alexander's body in search of injuries. Alexander felt himself blush knowing that the love bites from last night were still evident on his skin and Easton was looking at them now but the man didn't comment on those.

"You say no with your mouth yet your heart is beating so fast in a yes. What are you keeping from me, Alexander?" Easton demanded firmly. He wasn't moving his hands anymore and was gripping Alexander's shoulders instead. Alexander didn't dare to look him in the eyes.

Alexander remained quiet for a moment before finally answering. He stared straight ahead to see the wall behind.

"No, he did nothing to me, yes, I was hurting when I called but that was for an entirely different reason." Alexander finally replied. Easton narrowed his eyes in confusion, he still didn't say anything. "Look, I got to hear something because Michael came around. Something I was certain Matthew would not have told me himself. He has been hiding so much from me, Easton." Alexander finally lifted his eyes to meet Easton's and was surprised to find tears building up behind the man's eyes.

"What did Michael say and what has Matthew been hiding?" Easton whispered hoarsely. Alexander pulled himself free of his grasp and sat up. He wasn't sure if he wanted to relive that awful moment recounting all that had happened but Easton deserves to know. "You can tell me, baby."

He nodded.


"There is something you need to know..." Matthew said quietly as he sat on the bed. Alexander stared at him with curiosity. "You remember the first day we met?" Alexander furrowed his eyebrows, confused. Matthew smiled bitterly as he rubbed his palms over his face. "It wasn't a total coincidence, you see..." He signed, keeping his gaze on his hand.

"Why isn't that coming to me as a surprise?" Alexander muttered under his breath then frowned. "So, you knew, I was coming for an interview that day?" He asked, needing to be sure.

"Yes, I did..."

"Was it you who arranged for the job?" When he didn't reply Alexander exhaled, shaking his head. "So, it was you, all this time." His voice was inaudible when he spoke. He didn't get any response and the silence stretched for a short while before he was breaking it again when a realization hit him. "D-Did you by any chance stand in my way from getting employment from other companies all these years because now that I think about it, it didn't make any sense that every place I went I got rejected even when it was they who needed me first. Some never even bothered to take a look at my credentials, they just told me off and I'll be left stranded and frustrated all over again." His anger was starting to build. Deep down, he hoped Matthew would deny these claims, he hoped it wasn't true but when the other man opened his mouth, Alexander couldn't help his emotions anymore.

"Look, I know, I shouldn't have but what else would you have me do, huh?"

"Answer the damn question, Matthew, has it been you all this time?!"

"Yes, Yes, it has, okay, fuck!"

"Are you out of your mind?!" Alexander snapped, turning towards Matthew who flinched slightly from his outburst. "Do you know how much pain I suffered from having to wait months in order to get called in for job interviews, months that cost me my own damn sanity, that's how long, you stupid bastard?! Each one would seem so hopeful and in the end, I would get denied like there was something wrong with me! To think that I couldn't get a job because of you..." He cut himself short, swallowing hard. "To think that all these years I suffered, nearly having myself killed, that you were partially behind it…" his voice broke again.

Mathew didn't say a word as Alexander spoke, instead, he let his gaze wander around the room as if he was trying to avoid eye contact. "All I wanted was a decent job so I could get a better living space, to be able to provide for my child and get my daughter back. Each time I spoke with her she would tell me how she misses me and wishes to be with me. I thought I was a failure, a good-for-nothing nobody. I couldn't even support my daughter, I was failing her each time! All I wanted was a job, Matthew, a fucking job… but no, you wouldn't let me have that, you had to step in and ruin that for me, every step I took, you pushed thousands of blocks in the way so I wouldn't go through. What did I ever do to you, Matthew?!" Alexander's voice cracked and he let out a sob, burying his face in his hands. "God, I hate this." He muttered through his hands. 

Matthew bit down hard on his bottom lip, struggling to keep his emotions under control. It made him sick inside that Alexander was crying like that over him but he deserved it. He had hurt Alexander, so he should be the one to feel miserable. Not Alexander! God, he shouldn't have brought this up. Alexander looked so broken and so lost, that it pierced his heart. 

"...Alexander, listen to me. I'm sorry, I am but I did it for you."

Alexander shook his head. "No, no no everything you have done up until now, you did for you," he spat, pointing a finger at Matthew accusingly. "You don't care about me, never have… if you did even just this much, you would have thought about what consequences your actions pose, and you would have given it another thought. You don't give a damn about me, just because you have the money and the power doesn't mean you have the right to tread on people's emotions and break them into a million pieces and all for what? So that you can bed me?!!" Alexander sobbed harder, his heart constricting painfully in his chest. "Well, you've had what you wanted, haven't you? This trophy body you've obsessed over for years, you maniac, you finally earned it, my scent marked into your beddings, your marks imprinted into my skin, you've earned your prize, you've won, Matthew, no need to pretend anymore, the game is over." Alexander knew his words hurt but he was far gone from thinking rationally at this point.

Not with all he has put him through.

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