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Chapter: 73.

Alexander's expressions twisted into those of heavy concern as he watched tears cloud Matthew’s eyes. They seemed so out of place, like they never belonged there, Matthew isn’t meant to hurt to the point where he would cry. What could be making a man like Falcon tear up so badly so much so his body rocked from the effect. 

“Matthew…” He started but held his tongue when he noticed the man was about to speak.

“Do you know how long I waited, I searched, I yearned for you, night after night, I lay in this very bed and my heart would ache so badly, I thought I was going to die…" he choked on a sob and blinked more tears away from his eyes. “Living a life without you was an empty, purposeless life, Alexander.”


"I was terrified, Alexander, scared I might never get the chance to tell you how I truly felt, how I have felt since the very day I set eyes on you, how fast you made my heart beat that day, how jealous of Maria I was when you introduced her as your girl, from that day I knew I have fallen so deeply for you, my heart so deeply rooted into you that I could never find any whom my heart had wanted as much as it has wanted you, Alexander. It has always been you, only you, I love you…. God, I love you, Alexandre, I love you so much, so fucking much.” He sobbed, making Alexander weak as Matthew's body trembled into his. 

Alexander became helpless and weak for this man. What would he say to ease his burden? He would agree he had fallen for the man too, if nothing had proved that to him it would be the fact that ever since he started working for him, his heart has known no peace, his eyes seem to seek Falcon at every given opportunity, his heart picked up speed whenever he was near him, his thoughts wouldn’t stop wandering back and forth into his mind, even when he didn’t want to think about him he would find himself thinking about Falcon, his brain would analyze every little action Matthew took if he didn’t see him he would think he was avoiding him, if he didn’t speak to him, he tends to yearn for him to speak to him. He began to care too much for what he thought of him. Like he needed him to approve. When he presented at meetings his eyes would often wander back to Falcon to see if he was watching and listening and to give his approval and when he did not get the attention or the reactions, he hoped and sought, he would flare into a rage, mumbling to himself like a madman and hating Matthew for not looking. 

Matthew's voice became his soothing addiction. Matthew's smile, his gentle breeze, one that sends his heart floating mindlessly with the waves of the sea. The sound of his laughter, Gods, there has not been a more intoxicating sound, it aroused all that was within him.

What else would you call that if not love?

Love makes him weak, he was weak when he found and fell for Maria, he is weak for Tide and now there is Falcon. 

But Falcon was more dangerous, he brought out all the deepest, darkest things from where he had them rooted. 

How much more can his heart take?

"Please, Alexander, give me a chance to love you, let me into your heart, I beg of you, I want you, I need you."

“Matthew,” he whispered again, this time reaching for his face, his fingers caressing his beautiful face and carefully he whipped tears away, his own eyes stinging with unshed tears he fought to keep in. “I didn’t know,” Alexander's voice broke. “I’m sorry for making you wait for so long.” Matthew leaned his head towards him and their lips met in a hungry kiss, it devoured his very core. The kiss started gently at first, then the soft touches became more insistent, and when Matthew slipped his tongue into Alexander’s mouth, Alexander clutched at his hair, pulling on the soft locks, never wanting him to stop. The things he did with his tongue, sliding it against his burning one, brushing the tip against the roof of his mouth, it was all too much and it made Alexander’s legs quiver as if they had lost their strength. His heart rate sped up the more Matthew teased his mouth and learned what he tasted like, Alexander moaned helplessly into his mouth, his voice growing louder by the second it made his heart pound so much he had to force himself to pull back for a second, afraid he would pass out if he didn’t stop.

Panting breathlessly, he soaked teary eyes into Matthew's steel-blue ones. His body still shook from the aftermath of their kiss.

Matthew rose from the sofa and for a moment there Alexander's heart panicked he was about to end this heart numbing sensation as he had done previously but that nervousness soon fled his conscience when he offered him his hand which he took without objection and he pulled him to his feet and while Alexander still wondered what he had in mind, he found his legs had left the ground as Matthew effortlessly swooped him off his feet and carried him into his arms, his lips returning to Alexander's mouth just immediately then he began walking away from the living room, up the stairs and into his bedroom, all the while he never broke their kiss, never gave him a second to breathe any air that wasn’t his, as if he gave him the air he breathes and Alexander's moans and whimpers grew more demanding and more intense, his hands clawed at his abs, his back, his hair, anywhere they could reach and touch the deeper he tongued him wickedly with his skillful tongue.

Excitement mixed with nervousness twisted in his heart when he realized that Matthew was carrying him into his bedroom. Standing in front of a huge bed, Matthew finally freed his mouth and a gasp so loud escaped Alexander. He panted, and looked around the dim-lit room, he could barely see anything and the darkness enticed him. Matthew gently put him down on his feet and he wobbled before he grabbed him so he wouldn't fall on his ass. Matthew puts his arms around him again and plants little kisses on his neck, flicking the skin with his tongue.

 Alexander cried.

“You want to, don’t you?” He murmurs, his breath hot on Alexander’s neck. “Please, tell me you want to, Alexandre, I can hardly control myself right now.”

His voice sounded raw… like sex, it dripped smoothly from his mouth, it nearly gave Alexander an orgasm the more he listened to him speak. And how in hell was he supposed to refuse now when he calls him like that? He resisted once, he did not think he had it in him to resist a second time. All this time he had yearned for him too, all the teasing kisses, his deep heart confession of love, how on earth could he ever resist him now?

He’s lost that fight. 

From the moment he saw him on his first day at work, he knew he had lost that fight.

At this point, he doesn't even wish to fight anymore. He could take him, devour him, rip him to shreds, anything he has, he was ready for all of it. 

All of him.

"I want to... Ah!" Alexander gasped as he felt Matthew's teeth lightly grazing the hot flesh around his neck, then a soft bite. "I want to… oh, Gods." he breathed out again. “I want you, I need you, Matthew, please, it's starting to hurt,” he moves his hands up under the silk cotton of Matthew's shirt and lets them glide over his back, tracing his spine with the tips of his fingers. Alexander heard a little moan followed quickly by the sound of his name. He responded with a moan of his own when he heard Matthew moan his name. Feeling delighted knowing he was making him feel this good. Growing bolder, he moves his hands further down and lets them rest for just a second by the belt of Matthew's jeans before lowering them to cup his ass.

“Alexandre…” Matthew gasped again with a throaty moan.

Without warning, Matthew grabs Alexander’s hips and slams his pelvis hard against Alexander's, pushing his erection into Alexander's. Alexander grabbed his ass harder, and they rocked against each other with Matthew still keeping up the assault on his neck. It's wonderful... dizzying... but he wanted more.

Oh, so much more.

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