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Chapter: 6.

The city of Aquarial was created thousands of years ago. Thousands of years ago, the sea creatures roamed the Seven Seas, causing havoc and ruins among themselves and those who would trespass under the sea and above. It was a chaotic disaster for tens of thousands of years. Until the Gods took pity upon the sea creatures and sent forth a Fire Trident. It fell and merged deeply into the sea mountain. It was the only mountain in all of the Seven Seas and it has seven apexes all connected to one base. The sea grew warmer, the fishes went away into hiding, famine struck the Seven Seas and for many years the sea creatures feared their fate until the Elder of Elders summoned all sea creatures and asked that each Elect within themselves someone they considered worthy to lead and be the ruler over the Seven Seas.

The sea creatures gathered, each having selected a worthy leader and thus the Elder of Elders led the seven leaders up the sea mountain to its apex. There he had the MerElves chosen to pull on the Fire Trident and the elf did, using all his strength and soulpearl but wasn't able to draw the Trident. The next was the Merdragon. Even he wasn't able to draw the Fire Trident. The Merfish failed. The Merfaires elected the most beautiful and powerful fairy but even she wasn't found worthy of the Gods to draw the Fire Trident.

Even the Merwitches and wizards with all their many tricks and dark powers couldn't draw the Fire Trident. The whispering Ghosts, with their powerful siren song, their tones of deception, capable of luring the most powerful of sea creatures to their demise, failed and at last, the Merfolks sent forth their elected and he came forward, forsaking his soulpearl, he placed his hands on the burning Trident and it's fire eased away into his hands, consuming the merman and without his soulpearl, he howled in pain and pulled with all he was worth. He was favored by the Gods and he became the first Neptune of the seven seas. All sea creatures bowed before him and swore an oath of worship and loyalty. The great event came to an end, Neptune was made ruler and he named the cities within Aquarial.


For the Merfaires, knowing they preferred to stay hidden, away from other sea creatures, they only appear when there is an extreme need for them, for they were small and fragile and could easily be mistaken as never present and trampled underfoot, even be eaten by troubled wild sea beasts. They made the sea flowers bloom, they kept the fruits and vegetables nourished, and kept the wild sea beasts in check. The Merfairies were essential to all sea creatures and their safety paramount. To them, Neptune gave the city of Scytis and with their soulpearl they created a barrier to rise above the city, guarding it against wandering sea creatures and wild sea beasts and any form of impending danger.

Then next, King Neptune gave unto the MerElves the most peaceful, gentlest, and kindest of all sea creatures, and the most powerful in healing herbs and potions. To them were given the city of Ebilor. A place of healing, a place of peace.

Next, King Neptune called the Merdragons and to them were given the city of Riveri for its dwellings and surroundings were filled with iced streams, flowing rivers, and the lake of immortality.

To the dark soulpearls of Merwitches and Wizard, Neptune bestowed the city of Glasa, and once they made home within the city, their dark soulpearls energy filled the sea sky with evil aura it was so strong it began to sip into the neighboring cities and with the Fire Trident, Neptune sealed Glasa and other sea creatures were forbidden to go in contact with its dwellers. For they had no good in them but are filled with trickery and dark magics.

The city of Merlona was named and given to the Whispering Ghosts. It is daring to trespass into their abode for if any sea creatures are found wandering in Merlona and if they harbor any form of greed or hate within their heart, the siren songs of the Whispering Ghosts would suck their soulpearl and entrap them within the walls of Merlona until they too become a whispering Ghost.

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