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Chapter: 132.

Seated calmly in the Executive meeting that evening was only tolerable because on his right hand sat Alexander and each time he would turn to his side and see him there a smile so profound would wash over his features and he would relax once again. He couldn't help but smile back whenever Alexander would make eye contact with him, the look of adoration never fails to light up his face, especially when the man would wink at him. The small action always left his heart pounding and a tingling sensation in his skin that he could not explain. Alexander turns to him now, still smiling as his eyes scan over his face and his lips curl into an even bigger smile before his eyes finally meet Matthew's, his phone pointed at his face but Matthew was far too gone staring at that beautifully sinful face he hadn't noticed it.

"You have a call," Alexander says softly, eyes motioning to the phone in his hand. Matthew chuckled awkwardly when he noticed the phone in his hands and took it without getting out of his chair. He immediately answered it when he saw who the caller was.

"Salut mon frère," Matthew spoke calmly into the phone. "I didn't expect your call so quickly, my brother. Did something happen?" Matthew said casually. There is silence on the other end, the sound of sharp breathing followed, and immediately Matthew was on edge. His brows furrowed, worried about his brother. "Are you okay, my brother?" He demanded again.

A soft groan came from the other end, making Matthew's blood run cold. "Frère, Léna est morte. Et Allison a été kidnappée." The line ran cold.

Matthew pulled the phone from his ear so fast as if it was lava burning his flesh. He stared at the phone blankly for several seconds, trying to process what he had just heard. How can this be possible? Blackadder said he was onto her. The man knows how to do his job well. How then could this have happened right under his nose? He turned around to his right where Alexander was seated quietly beside him, observing the whole scene unfolding before him intently. He looked down upon the younger male, his gaze locked in his brown eyes which were filled with such concern that made Matthew feel suffocated under his questioning gaze.

Should he tell him?

Doesn't seem like a good time but he has to know. He should have told him long before now and this has happened. He should have let him in on the Maria situation since the day he found out about it, his daughter is involved but he didn't, couldn't bring it in himself to tell him, didn't want him to worry and now he has no other choice but to tell him.

"That was your brother was it not?" Alexander demanded after a while and frowned when he heard Matthew suck in a deep breath and nodded slowly. Alexander let out a sigh and leaned forward in his seat, resting his elbows on the desk in front of him. "Well, what did he say that made you pale within seconds?" He questioned his voice calm.

Matthew didn't think it would be a good idea to just break this horrible news to his lover in the presence of twelve Executives, so he rose and addressed the meeting quickly before leaving it in the able hands of Jacob then turning toward Alexander, he smiled warmly and gave him a hand which he took and got on his feet, the pair soon walked out of the room hand in hand. Matthew didn't say any more words until they had gotten into the privacy of his office and while Alexander sat calmly in wait, Matthew paced around the luxurious room, trying to settle his mind enough to speak.

He took a sharp turn and faced Alexander then with breath held in, he spoke. "Something terrible has happened, my love." He said solemnly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Alexander looked up at him. "And what may that be?" He was losing patience at this point. Matthew was acting rather suspicious and he didn't like how it was making him feel. He ought to come clean about whatever it is.

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