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Chapter: 14.

"Hi, Daddy." The cheerful voice resounded through the speakers melting into the man's ears and he smiled warmly.

"Hello, princess." She giggled. "How are you, my love?" He asked.

"I'm fine, thank you, Daddy, how about you?" She returned.

"I'm doing good, baby girl." He smiled. There was a short silence before he asked again. "How is school?"

"School is school." She replied nonchalantly and he chuckled.

"School is school, huh." He returned between laughter and smiled when he heard her exhale.

"Yeah, it's always the same thing every day, it's boring." She sighed and he forced another chuckle. "I have missed you, Daddy, can I come visit when we go on vacation?"

"Of course, sweetheart, you are welcome to visit if your mother allows it." He frowned at that last thought.

"She's just too busy with her husband these days and oftentimes it is just me and Natalie." She paused and he heard her sigh.

"Who is Natalie?"

"She's the housekeeper and babysitter too." She sighed again.

"Are you alright, sweetheart? Is something the matter?" His worried tone calmed the anxious girl and she smiled.

"Did you know I'm going to be a big sister, Daddy?"

"Wow, t-that's...good news, baby." Damn, his heart has never felt more hurt. Is this even right? Why is it that everything tends to favor Maria while his life has been anything but unsteady since the divorce?

Maybe he deserves whatever he's getting.

Fate is too cruel.

"Daddy?" The little girl called when she didn't hear any more from her father. She thought they had disconnected but when she checked, he was still there. "Are you okay, Daddy?" She asked. Her heart skipped when she thought she heard him sniffle. "Daddy?"

"Hey, baby, yeah, I'm fine, sweetheart...listen to me, angel, you will make a great big sister ever, I know you will take care of your younger siblings and love them with all your heart because you are amazing, my love."

"Thank you, Daddy, but I still do want to see you."

"You will, honey, I will make arrangements."

"I know, it's just sometimes, I feel left alone like I am all alone with mom always busy and I never get to see you, it sucks." She sniffled and it broke the man's heart. "I just want to come home to you, Daddy, I don't want to be here anymore, I want you, Daddy, you're my home."

"I will bring you home, my love, I promise."

"Have you got a job yet?" She inquired, remembering he hadn't gotten a job the last time they spoke. If he could get a decent job, she knew for certain that he would take her.

"Not yet, baby, but Easton said he would call me for another interview today, fingers crossed everything goes accordingly, once I can get a steady income I would make sure you come home to me."

"I know, Daddy." She smiled, wiping tears from her eyes. "Say hello to uncle Easton for me."

"I will, baby."

"Bye, Daddy."

"Bye, angel."

Once the conversation ended, the man slumped into his bed and rubbed at his eyes. It was clear she wasn't happy living with her mother, even with how rich Micheal is, and how her mother spoils her, yet she wants him, she wants to be with him, she has called him...home. She is his home too. He wanted her with him, he would take her but first, he needs a steady job, a better apartment with at least two bedrooms. So far Easton had gotten him four interviews but somehow he failed every one of them. It was as if he was cursed with bad luck. He's been feeding off of Easton for months now. Although the man hasn't complained nor will he ever, still he couldn't help but start to feel like he was a burden to the man. Now, his daughter is unhappy living with her mother. He needed to get her out of there but he couldn't, he wasn't in a position to take care of her needs.

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