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Chapter: 101.

"So, good." He spoke into Alexander's mouth. "Feels so good inside you, baby."

"Matthew... Ahh!" Alexander met those sea green eyes, they were deep and he could feel them move like the waves of the sea. He pulled his lips away and stared deeply into those eyes, he was convinced now, without a doubt. Matthew kept their gaze locked like he wanted him to see, he wanted him to know. Alexander gasped loudly from the intense feeling feeding into his heart and set his entire core aflame. If he was dealing with a Mythical creature then perhaps... He had no idea how it was even possible, and frankly speaking now isn't the appropriate time to strike up that conversation so instead, he decided on one final move of confirmation. "Fuck me... harder, Tide," Alexander whispered with their gaze still locked, and instantly the waves in those eyes parted, revealing a clear blue sea, Alexander moaned when a sudden wind brushed passed him, he blinked his eyes shut and when he opened, he was lying on that familiar bed and once his aching back touched the soft sheets, Matthew let go and loved him sweetly into the sheets.

Alexander became a whimpering quivering mess, his teeth clattered together, and his eyes rolled back as he fought against the pleasure gripping his body. "FUCK! AH..." He screamed. Matthew's fingers circled his aching cock and stroked him with a rhythm that matched his rough thrusts. "N-Not so rough, I-I can't take it, please." Alexander cried.

"I want you to feel my cock, savor it, remember it, you're mine, Alexander, I told you, you belong to me, I found you again and I'm not letting you go this time." With each word came a rough pounding and Alexander couldn't stop moaning.

"I love you." Alexander moaned as he felt his stomach clench painfully. "When you return to the seas, please, take my heart and soul with you so you will remember to return to me in one piece. If you do not, then I die." He panted breathlessly. "Please bring me with you." He begged tears trickled down his cheeks. "No more than that."

Matthew moaned deeply, his hands never letting up and his hips stuttering. "My heart has long since heated for you, Alexander, my blood has flown for you and you have tasted of it. You have become a part of me as I am a part of you...." Matthew continued to pound into him, driving his dick into Alexander, sending waves of pleasure through his body. His own moans of pleasure echoed around the large room and Matthew grumbled, pushing himself farther inside of the other man and fucking him even harder and harder than before. He was buried so deeply Alexander was certain his cock would outline his inside, imprinting itself in there.

Alexander's cries filled the air. "I loved you first Alexander, I have always loved you and I always will. I belong to you, Alexander, just as Tide belongs to the seas. Like a falling leaf belongs to its roots, so do I, Matthew, belong to you, Alec." He grunted, thrusting his hips faster. "My Alexander."

Alexander held onto Matthew's shoulders, desperately clutching his back. His back arched as he thrust his hips into him hard, crying out with every stroke. He couldn't hold back. He was close, so close. "Nothing can stop me from falling into your embrace, Alexander, I love you, I love you the most."

"I love you, too, Matthew, I love you the most!" He groaned, voice breaking and moans spilling.

"Cum for me, angel." Matthew moaned hoarsely as he buried his head in Alexander's shoulder, moaning as the waves crashed violently inside him. "Cum for me, darling." He said softly for the second time. Alexander shook uncontrollably, crying brokenly and screaming into Matthew's neck as a new wave crashed into him. He felt Matthew's grip upon him tighten. "More, baby. cum for me, I need to feel you explode, release all of your lust for me and I shall leave mine inside of you!" He growled.

Alexander shuddered when the first wave of orgasm hit, he went blank, motionless, under the touch of his hot cum coating his skin. A warm feeling filled him and he felt lightheaded like he was floating in space. It was almost too much. Too many sensations at once made him weak in the knees and his chest tightened so painfully. It made it harder to breathe. The pain spread over his chest and it didn't relent for a long moment yet eventually subsided. Alexander released a shuddering gasp and trembled beneath Matthew's heavy touch. They were so entwined into each other it felt like they shared one body.

Matthew groaned loudly and Alexander shuddered once again. "Cum inside me," Alexander demanded breathlessly.

Matthew hissed, the sensation was agonizing. It hurt. His bones ached from the pressure and from him squeezing him so tight and so deep as his thrusts grew quicker. His muscles twitch involuntarily. His body shivered from the ecstasy and pleasure. He could only watch Matthew with rapt attention as his beautiful face contorted and warped with pleasure. He moaned as he climaxed, releasing everything within him. Alexander shuddered as he felt the flood of warmth spreading throughout his inside, another wave of pleasure washed over him as an orgasm coursed through his veins and the waves rocked him into submission.

He felt Matthew tense underneath him as he spilled inside of him once more. He moaned. His warmth filling him had Alexander in a wave of his third orgasm. He trembled violently, the spasms of his orgasm overtook him causing him to shake violently and cry out. "AH..." He felt dizzy, lost in euphoria. All his senses filled with Matthew. The sound of his breathing, the beating of his heart, the wetness dripping steadily from his body like a tap had suddenly opened above them. He clutched tighter onto him, holding him as he collapsed on his side on the bed, panting heavily.

Alexander lay there trembling, trying to catch his breath, while still panting. The two men laid motionless on the bed for several moments; bodies taut and sweating profusely. They were drenched in sweat and panting heavily. The smell of blood lingered in the air. After a minute or two of restful silence, Alexander looked toward Matthew who had fallen asleep next to him and had rolled off him and to his side. His hair was splayed around his head and was a total mess, some strands sticking out. Alexander reached forward and brushed the strands away from Matthew's face, smiling happily.

His finger trailed along Matthew's jawline softly before leaning in to kiss him gently on the cheek. He was so handsome but so tired. His eyes were droopy, a sign of exhaustion. Alexander chuckled as he pressed his lips against Matthew's forehead and closed his eyes gently, feeling the warmth emanating from him. When he opened them once again he pressed another gentle kiss against his forehead and watched his breath deepen. Matthew was still asleep, but his expression softened slightly and his breathing got a little softer. It was almost cute, really. Alexander chuckled and kissed his cheek softly. Matthew shifted in his sleep and sighed.

"My sweet, precious Tide..." Alexander mused with a small smile. "How did you do this?" He whispered lovingly. He cuddled closer to the sleeping man and hugged him tightly. He felt himself being slowly pulled into the depths of dreamland like the waves crashing against the shoreline, soothing him. As if in the middle of a storm, a strong gust of wind suddenly blew past him and sent a chill down his spine. Alexander smiled, his eyes heavy with sleep. He felt safe and relaxed, as if nothing else existed in the world, except for the sleeping man in his arms. "Sleep well." He cooed quietly before he drifted into the abyss.

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