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Chapter: 55.

"G-Get back home?" He muttered, helplessly. "Into the Sea?"

"Yeah, get him back home, he doesn't belong in this world, Alexander, please don't force him to stay, whatever you're doing, you need to stop, it will kill him, please!"


"There are no buts, Alexander, I know, I understand how you feel but look what just happened, I think he's getting weaker the longer he stayed here, he needs to return home and we are going to make that happen."

"He is..."

"Your Merman, I know, but look what just happened, Xander, something is wrong, and we are not helping him, he could have died if I hadn't noticed, who knows how long he has been like that while you slept, how did you not even notice?"

"I-I don't know."

"We have to find a way to send him back, you know that is the right thing to do."

"Yeah," Alexander replied, defeated. Easton was right. Something was definitely wrong with the Merman.

"What the..." Easton's gaze caught the shape on the merman's chest where the glow emits.

"What's wrong?" Alexander asked, coming to look into the pool.

"You see that shape on his chest?" Easton asked, pointing to the glow.

"Yeah, I can, why?"

"I could swear I have seen that shape somewhere," Easton replied.


"I don't remember, but I'll think about it, it'll come back to me."

"Okay," Alexander replied, nodding.

"Come on, let's get inside, I'm starving, glad he's alright now." He said, referring to the merman.

"Yeah, me too."

"So, what were you dreaming about when I came in?"

Alexander hissed and ducked into the house, his face heating up as Easton reminded him of the dream.

"Nothing." He muttered.

"You lair!"

"There is something..." Alexander turned to face his friend but paused, maybe he was wrong, there's no need to bring that up, it could just be a stupid thought.

"What is it?" Easton asked, giving him that look that said you had better finish what you were going to say or you'll get it from me.

"When..." he began to speak again.

"When what?"

"When we made love, it seemed as though he knew and he kept going almost like he needed my strength to stay alive, I think he began to lose it when I passed out probably around the time he began heating up as well."

"You passed out having sex?!" Easton began to laugh but Alexander was quick to slap that smug off his face.

"Look I know it might be a useless assumption but..."

"Yeah, I think I can understand your meaning but we wouldn't know until he wakes up."

"What if he doesn't?"

"Doesn't wake up, you mean?"

"Yeah, East, I'm worried."

"Don't be, he will." Easton reached for him, pulling him into his chest and giving him a reassuring hug.

"He told me he is here to find some Soupearl or something." He muttered with his mouth pressed into Easton's shirt. "That a Merdragon who is an Elder told him that I would lead him to the person who holds the Soupearl of Atana." he finished.

Easton peeled him off of him and stared deeply into his eyes for what seemed like forever. "That's a lot of things I do not understand."

"Neither do I!" Alexander cried.

"Why you?"

"I wouldn't know. I told him his Elder got it wrong but he insisted the Elders are never wrong then when I wouldn't stop arguing he kissed me and then..."

"The marathon of sex began." Easton finished for him. "Are you hungry?" he asked, moving the conversation to something less heavy, knowing Alexander is far too distraught to talk any further about that.


Easton laughed and walked toward the kitchen.


"Meet Falcon today?" Easton took the word right out of his mouth once again. Alexander smiled nodding. "No, he wasn't in the company today, he's hardly ever there you know but I met with Jacob who mentioned Falcon losing his mind over not hearing from either of us." Alexander hissed when he heard that, remembering the broken man from his dream.

"I should pick up the job tomorrow."

"That's good news and damn about time too."

"It was him..." Alexander whispered, looking everywhere but at his best friend.

"Him?" Easton asked with brows furrowed, deep in thoughts he wondered what the fool was getting at this time. His mouth soon formed an O shape as realization kicked in. "The dream!" he confirmed but Alexander didn't reply. "I'll take that as a yes then," Easton concluded and proceeded to prepare dinner. "I'll give Jacob a call after dinner, let him know you're coming in tomorrow," he added and Alexander nodded.

It was about time he took on a job.

Is that even all there is to the sudden change of heart? The truth was as bright as day and he knew why.

"But, what about Tide, we both can't leave him alone at home." Alexander reasoned with a frown.

"He will be fine, you just need to talk to him about it, maybe teach him how to place a phone call if he needs anything."

"Right, I'll do that tomorrow."

"I remember..."


"The shape, the glowing shape on Tide's chest, I've seen that shape in the pendant around Matthew's neck."


"Yeah, I'm sure."

"That's weird."

"I know."

"I need to see this pendant for myself."

"He's very protective of it, said it's a family treasure."

"Family treasure?" Alexander muttered. "The more reason we need to know more about it."

"I'm starting to think that as well."

"Do you think?" he met Easton's eyes.

"I guess we will have to find out and who better to do that than you."

This changes everything.


Micheal wasn't going out that day, took a day off to just sit and catch his next breath. Work has been eating at him mercilessly lately and he knew he needed a vacation. Once his brother has had his plan succeeded he sure will be taking a well-deserved vacation. His phone dinged beside the bedside table where he had left it the previous night and he groaned but reached for it nonetheless. A genuine smile graced beautiful lips once he saw who the caller was. The only one capable of warming his heart even in the worst of times.

"Hey little man..." he called into the phone.

"Sitting here waiting for you, how long is it going to take until you show up?"

The voice he heard didn't sound like a pleasant one and besides he didn't mention he was visiting but it doesn't matter, he was already getting on his feet and walking towards his closet for a change of clothes.

Only Matthew could get him out of bed on his day off.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Where stories live. Discover now