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Chapter: 111.

The Mountain Tears Festival went by greatly and Tide couldn't be happier with Alexander closer to him now than before. He has even taken him before Neptune to show him off as the one who has won the Pearl of the Tideian's Soul and Neptune in turn gave his blessings. Now, Aquarial eagerly looked forward to their Soul Bonding ceremony and Alexander had assured him they shall soon have it. Time flew by fast and Tide waited patiently for his Lover to be ready for their lifetime commitment yet Alexander wouldn't give his consent. Something often seemed to draw him back, make him change his mind at the last minute, it was exhausting but not so much that it would anger Tide, he understood Alexander's fear, and he stood by him, waiting on him. All that mattered is that Alexander had returned his love now if he doesn't want to perform the Soul Bonding then so be it. Tide would be there for him no matter what. A certain uprising rose amongst the Human and the Seas. At first, it started like mindless gossip but soon spread fast like wildfire. Aquarial became distraught by the actions of the Humans to who they have entrusted many of their own into their hands.

The humans began to kill those who have united with them in love and marriages. They say the Green blood of the Merfolks healed their infirmities and even more, their blood was sold at higher prices. Neptune ordered all who are above the waters to return home. But, the humans were far too quick and wicked. They killed them in their hundreds and after Atana was killed the war arose. It was a fearsome time for the Seven Seas as the humans they had welcomed with open arms turned around to hunt them for profits.

Years flew by and the wars continued. It was at this time that Tide received the news of his PearlMate captivity. Enraged and stricken with fear he went in search of him. But it was rather too late when he found him. Alexander had been caught in one of their many trapping nets, a spear impelled into his side, right where his SoulPearl lies. They had learned this trick knowing that once a SoulPearl is struck, a Merfolk is weak and defenseless, and soon will die. Tide was wroth to see his Lover dangling from their nest, bleeding and dying. It was the second time Tide killed the humans for Alexander's sake. He capsized their ships and killed their men in their hundreds, their bodies melted away, and their bones nestled in the depth of the Sea beds. Tide cut the nets trapping his lover and carried him to Riveri, and at the Elder's feet, he lay him still.

Crying at the Elder's feet, he begged Naga to do something.

Naga didn't know what else to do to help the dying merman. His SoulPearl was nearly gone from him. He felt helpless and heartbroken for the Tideian.

"Please, save him, Naga, I beg of you."

Naga shook his head sadly and Tide exhaled loudly. "I cannot. I am sorry."

Tide looked down at his beloved Alexander who was lying lifelessly before him and felt an overwhelming wave of sorrow wash over him. All he could do was sob, cry for his lost love, cry for the future they would never have together. He had promised him by the next Purple Rose festival that they would have their Soul Bonding ceremony but that is a future unfairly ripped from them. Tide felt something dying within him and he cried bitterly for Alexander, his sobbing so great it had the Elder in tears. It took some time before Tide was able to calm himself, not fully but enough to speak his next words, determination laced his tone when he spoke, looking up to meet the Elder's eyes, he pleaded.

"You are the oldest, most powerful Merdragon of the Seven Seas, surely there is something you know, something we could do that will help him, that will give him back to me."

A sad smile crossed the Elder's face. "I know nothing that can heal nor bring him back to the seas."

Dread consumed Tide then and he felt a burning pain throughout his body as if someone was cutting out his insides. No! His eyes widened with horror. There's no other way! He thought. That can't be right. There must be a way.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora