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Chapter: 28

Michael or was it Matthew pulled away and stared deeply into his eyes. "Is it possible to be any more smitten with you?" He whispered and Alexander felt his face heating up painfully. "And I do love it when you blush." He looked into his eyes, and Alexander was captivated, they seemed to stare into his soul and see everything laid bare. Alexander licked his lips unconsciously, ever so slightly pursing them creating just a tiny gap. Matthew tilted his head slightly and leaned in, and Alexander melted again.

Whatever resistance he might have had to this new sensation melted away instantly, and he was taken by the kiss. It was completely different to Maria's and her lips were all he's ever known, well, until now. There was no softness, no pliability. His lips conveyed strength, power, passion, and security, and they moved with a deliberateness that Alexander had never felt before. Matthew's tongue lightly pressed at the opening to his mouth and he surrendered access without a thought, letting this intruder roam into him. Hesitantly he extended his own tongue, running it lightly across the back of Matthew's front teeth, exploring his mouth.

He could feel Matthew grip him tighter, pulling him deeper into the kiss, and his hands roamed down his back and grabbed his ass. He squeezed and somehow pulled him even tighter into his chest as Alexander's hands took his cue and explored the back of his shirt, ranging down to his firm butt which he grabbed and squeezed. The kiss began to heat up, building in passion and intensity as Matthew grabbed the back of his head with one hand and moved his tongue and lips with increasing urgency.

Finally, they began to run out of air, the kiss slowed down until, after one last deep moment, they broke apart.

Both men stumbled a foot away from the other. Panting and chasing their next breath. Alexander lost all thoughts, his brain a packed up damaged pile of rubbish somewhere at the back of his brain.

Matthew regained his composure first and then reached to grab onto Alexander's hand but he pulled back.


"Don't," Alexander chased, with one hand pushing forward in an attempt to keep the other away, his eyes averting slightly, he couldn't keep his gaze on those blues, they made him lose his mind. He swallowed unconsciously, somehow feeling a bit parched. "Matthew?" He asked, breathless.

"Yes, do you still not remember me?" He inquired, softly, his gaze gentle.

His voice affects Alexander.

He felt his heart shatter, "How?" He muttered, remembering this man but how he had ended up being Micheal too still troubles him beyond words.

"Michael is my twin brother," Mattew confirmed as if reading his disturbing thoughts.

"Twin...Twin?" Alexander couldn't believe what he was hearing. "And,,"

Matthew offered him a faint smile. "Yes, it has been me all this time."

Alexander breathed slightly as he gazed into Matthew's eyes. "How long have you...,"

"Have I wanted you?" He finished for him and Alexander nodded. "Since you dumped your textbooks on my feet." He confessed with a bitter smile.

Alexander felt the air around him thicken, he suddenly couldn't breathe, this couldn't be happening. Too many questions raced in circles in his head and all but too quickly he blurted. "I-I should go."

"S'il vous plaît, Alexander...," (please)

"I can't be here right now, I need a moment." He pleaded, turning towards the door and staring at it, realizing it had no handles, he slowly turned back to Matthew and begged. "I really need a moment, please." He heard a beep at the door when he saw Matthew pushing a button on a small remote control. "I'm sorry." He whispered as the door tore open.

"At least, tell me what job you came here to seek?"

"It's that of a secretary, my best-friend, Easton, he told me about it-"



"He is your friend?"

"I just said that." The other rolled his eyes at the question.

"Then you will take the job, yes."

"I have to. I have lost one too many." With that said, Alexander was out the door.

Coming back down to the first floor he saw Sally, she seemed to not want to meet his gaze this time for some reason.

"I will resume tomorrow." He told her and she nodded vigorously.

"Of course." She was eager to reply, too eager.

"I will be leaving first." He nodded and made for the exit doors. Once his ass hit the soft leather of a taxi seat, he exhaled and shut his eyes. His mind was blank. Memories wandered to the first day he had dumped his and Maria's textbook on the boy's feet. It's been so many years. He has completely forgotten about Matthew, they hardly ever talked to each other then, and just very briefly would they cross part in just that short period, how was it possible that he hadn't forgotten all about him more so knew what he would look like currently?!

How had he found him after all these years?!

All these questions and more he needed answers to, but he couldn't ask for such an answer from the man with whom he had shared the best kiss of his life.

The fire from Matthew's kisses lingers still, he could feel his lips tingle ever so often.

To think he was a twin with the jerk who had married his ex. Thinking deeply on it now, has he not been hating on Micheal unfairly? All he did was marry Maria, he doesn't even know him. If he should be mad at anyone it should be Maria.

Does this also mean the man he had punched the first day wasn't even Michael? The wave of embarrassment washed over his face, making him feel bothered as he remembered his words at the beach.

He was right.

He had punched him undeservingly.

It made more sense now why he had said, he always saw Allison, whenever he visited.

It was all coming together with such vengeance it made him feel horrible about how he had treated Matthew this entire time.

It was his fault for not telling him from the beginning! If he had informed him then all this misunderstanding wouldn't have been raised but then again, was he even patient enough to listen to him explain? He hadn't even given him the chance to speak, too quick to hate he abandoned all sense of reasoning. Feeling like he owes Matthew an apology made his heart ache.

Now that he would be picking a job in his industry, he hoped he wouldn't cross-part with him again.

Was this his Hell or Heaven?

It could be both.

Chasing Tide (A Merman's Tale And The Human Who Desired Him) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora