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Chapter: 134.

He's only messing with her. She won't let him fool her anymore. He's obviously enjoying the reaction he's pushing out of her, she won't give him that satisfaction anymore.

"You're joking." She blurted out.

"Whatever tickles your fancy, Maria, believe what you want, I don't care."

"Was this why you changed our plans?" She asked, knowing they had agreed for both she and her daughter to get kidnapped but his men had dropped her off and taken her daughter instead. She hadn't questioned the little twist until now. "Were you going to get rid of me?" She stuttered.

"Maria, you're really smart,  you know that," Lorenzo started with a slight frown. "Yes, I intended to let you go easy because I didn't want to take any chances with you, your daughter, Michael wouldn't breathe easy until she is safe and home but with you, there may be some challenges."

"I'm his wife!" She barked bitterly.

"I thought you wanted to run away with me," Lorenzo mocked. "You can't possibly be that greedy, huh, woman, you want to be his wife and also be with me." Lorenzo began to laugh when he saw tears running down her face. "Anyways, I beat you to the game... I mean, who could trust a cheating partner, hmm?" Lorenzo turned away from her.

"This can't be the way it ends, we made promises, Lorenzo."

"Which is why you're still standing before me."

"You said you love me, you promised me..." She cried, balling her fists in anger and disgust. "You love me right, Lorenzo, you love me as much as I love you, yes, this is a joke, right? I know it is, well you've had your fun, can you please ask him to leave, yes?"  She pleaded desperately and Lorenzo smirked at her desperation.

"Oh, honey, don't cry, you know how much it bothers me to see you crying," He mocked and she shook her head.

"Please, this isn't funny anymore, Lorenzo, please, stop." She begged, trying to keep her tears at bay only it was useless as they came pouring down with a vengeance.

"Oh my, oh my, oh my..." Lorenzo cooed and cupped his hands under her chin lifting her gaze to meet his. "I would start running home now if I were you so I can at least save my marriage and not lose from both ends... I'm sure you wouldn't want that." Lorenzo warned and Maria shook her head furiously.

"NOOO!" She shoved his hands off her shoulder and slapped him hard across the face causing him to stagger backward in both surprise and a burning sense of anger.

Lorenzo let out a pained grunt. "You bitch!!" He yelled in pain as he clutched his cheek, he took a step forward and rubbed the skin. "You'll pay for that, Maria!" He spat angrily before pushing her back forcefully, she stumbled and fell, her yelp filled with both pain and fear had Adam approached the pair but Lorenzo sent him back before he even took another step. "Stay back, this is between me and her!" Lorenzo shouted before turning to look at Maria, whose face was strewn with tears but still she stared at him defiantly. "You lost this round, Maria, you're not getting a penny from that ransom money and should you dare expose my affairs I will not hesitate to have you killed, you do not want to mess with me." Lorenzo threatened as he slowly moved forward towards Maria until she backed against the wall, both hands shielding her face from his wrath but Lorenzo simply moved both hands away from her face and without warning, returned her previous gift.

The slap resounded loudly around the large room, echoing through it and making it sound as though the walls had ears and could hear every detail of their conversation. Maria was shocked and horrified, her cheeks burned from the slaps but no sound came from her parted lips. She had slapped him once but he returned twice and she could not believe the man she was staring at. This wasn't the Lorenzo she knew and fell in love with, this was a total stranger, a monster, a person not fit to be called human. The silence seemed to stretch on forever as the two remained in their place, neither moving an inch. Finally, Maria managed to speak, tears running down her face uncontrollably as she finally found her voice.

"Where... where is my daughter?" She stammered between cries. "Where have you taken her?!" She screamed with tears streaming down her cheeks.

A smirk appeared on Lorenzo's lips as he chuckled darkly. "Oh, darling Maria, but she is no longer your concern at this point, once your husband pays up, she will be returned to you, unharmed, hmm." He whispered and reached for her arm as he wrapped an iron grip on it, leaning even closer he whispered. "Now, run along and make sure your husband pays up." He rose and picked her up swiftly, walking her to the door he pulled it open and shoved her out the door. "Have a nice life, Maria, it was fun while it lasted." He added with a sinister grin before closing the door and locking it behind him.

Maria felt weak, utterly weak; everything inside of her wanted to collapse and curl up underneath some blankets and pretend that all this never happened as her tears continued to flow freely from her eyes, she sunk to the ground, falling to her knees, with tears streaming down her face, the reality of the world crashing down on her all at once, her heart aching with such intense emotions. How could things end like this? She's done so much. Given so much. The risks, Lina's death, putting her daughter in harm's way, everything she had done only for it to end like this, with her being the loser, the unloved, the unwanted. Her legs buckled beneath her as she tried to support her weight against the cold marble floor which seemed to taunt her, mocking her as she lay there sobbing hysterically on the floor of an empty hotel hallway. Cheated. Betrayed. Hated. Deceived. It was an all too familiar feeling. Remembering, she had left Alexander in a state much worse than this made her mind hazy. She was unable to think clearly as another wave of pain washed over her. Her stomach began to ache and twist in discomfort as she doubled over, bile rising in her throat, forcing its way up her windpipe, she began to dry heave.

It wasn't until her body began to relax and her throat loosened up and her stomach ceased its churning that she was able to lift her heavy body from the cold floor, she stood up and looked around the hallway, the light coming from the window illuminated every corner of the small space and gave the entire scene a ghostly appearance. Cobwebs were covering the corners and walls and the air smelled musty and old. She was certain nobody was in any of the rooms so that was good as she wouldn't want anyone seeing her make a mess of herself. Her entire body trembling from lack of movement. Her legs trembled as she attempted to hold her balance against the wall but she couldn't manage to keep her feet steady, so she collapsed again onto the floor, the impact causing a painful thud as she hit the ground. With a groan she slowly dragged herself to the opposite wall, resting against it as she curled into a ball.

Her head hurt and her body was sore, her stomach twisted painfully, making her feel nauseous, laying on the floor and allowed her tears to run down her cheeks. Her chest heaved with painful breaths as she sobbed loudly, her vision blurred with blurry red, blue and black specks, the tears continued to pour endlessly from her eyes, causing streaks upon streaks of tears to travel down her flushed face staining the white dress which was now filthy with dirt and dust, her hair a messy mess as she struggled to catch her breath. She lay helpless on the floor, surrounded by cobwebs and dust, unmoving, alone, and broken. After what seemed like a lifetime later, Maria felt her body growing colder and shiver, her eyelids becoming heavier as she forced them open.

She coughed and wiped her face, lifting her head and glancing around once more. All she saw were cobwebs everywhere and dust floating down, almost blinding her, deciding it was time she went home, Maria picked up the pieces of what was left of her sanity and got on her feet once again. Taking the first steps she walked out of the hotel, ignoring the pain in her feet and the soreness in her limbs, she got into her car and drove off. She still has Michael, she has to reach him quickly. After all, she was a victim in the attack as well, if anything, Michael would be more than happy to see her alive at least, and considering how dirty and bruised she is, whatever story she sold, she was certain Michael would buy and with that thought in mind Maria drove off.

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