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Chapter: 140.

She couldn't believe what she had just heard. Her heart broke into a million tiny pieces as it sunk to her stomach and felt like someone was using her intestines to strangle it. Every organ constricted like someone had put a vice around her neck and was squeezing the life out of her chest with everything they had. All other thoughts fled from her mind as her breathing grew ragged. And when they returned, they were replaced with more fear. The cold dread seeped through every corner of her body as she tried to get her legs working again. She couldn't run. Not now, not ever. Her legs might shake but her legs wouldn't move on their own. But, she had to defend herself and so she tried.

"How dare you speak of me like that!" Maria exclaimed, jumping to her feet in anger and stepping towards him, her fists clenched tightly at her sides.

Michael shrugged indifferently. "That's the truth. I'm done playing nice with you."

"I just lost our baby and this is what you do to me!" She screamed, throwing her hands in the air, tears streaming down her face.

"I didn't realize years of evilness had shortened your memory too," Michael walked away from beside Easton and approached the woman who took a step back. "Didn't you mean that you lost the baby four months ago out of your own fault, might I add." He continued, his face showing his disgust with her and it was clear he hated her. Maria looked hurt by every word he said, and for a few seconds, she was silent, her lip twitching with emotion until she found her voice. She had always had a loud voice, but that was never more noticeable than now.

"I was kidnapped, our daughter is still held someplace, and Lina was murdered before my very eyes!" She yelled, tears coming back in full force. "Do you have any idea how bad I feel right now? Do you?"

"I know exactly what a horrible person you are" He answered in a cold, hard voice. "And I also know that it was all a plan by yourself and your man lover, all of it," He paused watching as her eyes grew even bigger. "Yes, we know, everything, the game is over, Maria, stop trying to find your way around this, there are no other ways, you're done, C'est fini." He spat, clenching his jaws tight as if preparing for battle.

"NO!!" She screamed, her face turning white, tears pouring like waterfalls from her swollen eyes. "Lair!" She cried, tears streaming down her cheeks uncontrollably. "You are a liar, all of you!" She screamed, pulling at her hair, going around in circles, throwing things at them. "Lies!" She sobbed. Her heart was beating so fast she thought she might pass out. Could she be losing everything? It can't be. Lorenzo just broke her heart, the only man she truly did give her heart to, the only one she could honestly say she loved, and now this.

"Give it a rest, Maria," Alexander pleaded. He just couldn't bear seeing her like that anymore. She was a total wreck. He never thought he could see Maria so broken, so hurt. At some point in their lives, he had thought they were the happiest. Although it became clear that the love was one-sided, coming only from him. In all sense, he should be glad that she was finally paying for all her wrongs yet that one mutinous part of his heart still felt weak at her suffering. She may not deserve it but his heart broke for her and his eyes instantly grew moist when she quickly turned to him.

"You!" She pointed angrily at her ex-husband, tears continuing to cascade down her face, making him flinch away from her. "This is all you, isn't it? Trying to get back at me for what I did to you, huh," She began to laugh hysterically, tears rolling down her cheeks as she laughed. "Couldn't get over the fact that I dumped your sorry broke ass, could you?"  She sneered, grabbing the neckline of her nightgown and ripping it off her body.

Alexander and Matthew jumped as her breasts were left hanging free to their eyes as she ripped the material from her skin and tossed it to the floor. "Are you still so obsessed with Maria that until now you wouldn't let go? Why can't you leave me the fuck alone?! What do you want from me? This..." She asked, pointing to her naked body. "... this is what you want? Have you come to have it?!" She cried before walking over to Alexander. Pulling on his hand she dragged him along with her but Matthew gripped onto Alexander's other hand, stopping their movement.

A flashback brought her back to the day she kicked Alexander from their home... seeing the abuse she inflicted on him all those years... how she could easily manipulate him, pulling his heart on a wicked string. She knew how much he loved her and she used his honest love against him. She thought once he walked out that door, she would never see him again. She took everything from him and left him to die and now it seem as though the tables had turned and she would be the one losing it all this time and that thought of losing everything brought her back to reality, being paralyzed with fear, panic, and lastly paranoia setting in.

Easton grabbed a blanket lying around the corner and threw it over the woman's head. Maria grabbed it and wrapped it around herself. She looked up at the four males who kept their distance but not far enough to not hear everything she had to say. She glared at them. "Please, rescue my daughter." She muttered to Michael. Hoping beyond hope that he would somehow see how broken, how hurt, how scared, and how alone she felt at that moment.

"She's safe, don't worry about her," Alexander replied and they could all see the shock and many questions swirling around in her eyes. There was nothing left for her, everything was gone... she was shaking and could hardly keep herself together... her mind was heavy with shame, the same way the guilt weighed down on her shoulders.

This can't be how it ends.

One question remained unasked and unanswered in her mind. "And Lorenzo?" She slowly stuttered, shame and guilt cloud her features and she couldn't meet their gaze anymore.

"On his way to Jail as are you," Easton replied.

Although the man had hurt her most cruelly yet she couldn't help her heart from crying at the thought that he was going to be locked away. She still bears so much love for him. They can't end like this. She can't lose it all, not like this. Finally summoning enough courage to meet Michael's gaze even for one last time she begged, desperately. "Please, you can't do this to me! You just can't do-" her voice breaking down, looking nowhere in particular almost like she was talking to herself now.

"I have had enough of this," Matthew started, looking at his brother before ordering. "Get her out of here."

Mr. Blackadder along with a few policemen walked into the room at his command and Maria began to scream again once she saw them walking toward her. She stood dazed as a female officer got close enough and took her away. When they returned, Maria was dressed and cuffed. They all watched as her rights were read out to her before she was dragged out the front door.

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