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Chapter: 30.

"Thank you, Falcon-"


Shocked out of their sockets his eyes bulged and his mouth uttered without hesitation. "Excuse me?!" Palming his mouth after that, he eyed the man apologetically even though he could only look at the back of his head, he still felt the need to apologize as if he were staring into those wicked sharp domineering eyes.

"Matthew, is the name and tell me, Mr. Easton, what inspired White Prince?!" Easton became visibly shaken when the man rose from his chair. Damn, the aura that man was packing was starting to sand his force into submission and he hadn't even faced him yet he was still facing the walls and Easton's breath began to quicken again when he turned, and finally, their eyes met.

Unconsciously he stepped back a few steps, eyes blinked multiple times, what was this aura he emits? It was driving him crazy, all his senses went into an overdrive, rational thoughts eluded him and his eyes did nothing but stare while his mouth gawked without shame.




A total eclipse.

Fetal collision.

Sally's words rammed into his speedy heart mercilessly pulling at their strings. He was going to have a heart attack. Those eyes staring deeply right through him could not be healthy. He would surely die from them. No wonder Alexander couldn't resist and got dragged away. What had happened after that? He wondered.

Matthew smiled, knowingly. Repeating himself a second time, while he refilled his glass and another which Easton hadn't noticed was there all along. "What inspired W.P, Mr. Easton."

Remembering that Falcon hated repeating himself or so he was told had Easton in a more shock-like state. He had repeated his question while calm and not lashing out at him.

What was going on?!

His heart screamed.

Blinking at the question, his brain began to process the data and in the end all it could let out was. "Alexander." Shit! He groaned inwardly when he saw Falcon's hand froze for a moment, the champagne for a brief moment seemed to have frozen while being poured out but it was just in a flash and everything went back to normal like Easton had only imagined it.

Clearing his throat, Matthew repeated what he had said. "Alexander,"

With stuttering lashes Easton asked. "Huh?" Completely forgetting what he had only just said himself mere seconds ago.

"He inspired you?" He interrogated while pushing the other glass towards him. Easton couldn't move his feet forward. "Let us drink to W.P." He offered and this time, his legs moved, even as heavy as his hands felt at that very moment, he tried to push one forward and accept the glass bubbling with sparkly nectar, the wine suddenly looked like a drink meant for the Gods. "A toast to W.P and Alexander who had inspired her, Salute!" They drank while they looked each other directly in the eye. "He said you're his best friend?" Matthew raised.

Swallowing the drink trapped between his rusty throat he blurted. "Oh, uh, yes, yes... Sir!" He nodded.

Nodding softly to that Matthew proceeded with another inquiry. "He also came here for the job of a secretary, yes." The way and manner he had said that made Easton feel as though he had committed a felony. "A job like that is unfit for my Alexander."

Choking inwardly he demanded. "I'm sorry, YOUR Alexander?!" Easton didn't realize when he had lost his mind but a trigger button was pushed when he heard that my Alexander. How did he even know who Alexander was to begin with?

Raising a suspicious brow toward the man he answered. "Yes, you're his best friend surely he most have told you of our series of encounter the last months." Those suspicious glares directed at him had Easton thinking with all his brian cells.


My Alexander.

Job unfit.

And then there's Sally's... smitten, man-crushing, starstrucked.

It all pointed to one person.

Only one person he considered insane.

With raised brows he demanded cautiously. "Michael?"

"It's Matthew, Falcon is my business known name, Matthew is my real name and Micheal is my twin brother."


"I understand that not many people know this but you do now and yes, since Alexander had no idea he considered me his enemy from day one. I understand now why he acted the way he did the first time we met. He saw a photo of Micheal and his family then he saw me. I would think the same as he did but it's all in the past now."

Watching him pour himself another glass had Easton wondering when he had finished the content of the glass while he still held his. Was he being rude for not finishing his as well? The distraction also gave his brain a moment to recuperate, accessing the situation with more vivid vision and understanding of the situation. Starting from what Sally had said and until now. So it has been this Matthew who also happened to be Falcon is the same man chasing his Xander from the beginning and not Micheal as Alexander had actually thought.

What are the odds?

A thin smile tugged at his lips and he glanced up at Matthew who was directing his recently filled glass to his lips. "Is the wine not to your taste?" He asked, eyeing his still full glass.

"What?" Mentally face palming he forced a shaky chuckle. "No, I mean, yes, yes it is, very much, thank you." Damn, Easton, what a mess. He accused mentally while bringing the glass to his lips and quaffed down it's content. The resonating calm laughter from the other man had him peeking up from his glass to watch Falcon put his glass down.

"I like you, Easton," walking around the table to come stand in front of it just a few feet away from him, he smirked, it made his eyes darken. "I can see you and I doing such great things together, I can tell."

"Thank you, Sir." Was that even a complaint he didn't even care anymore. Anything to get those eyes staring anywhere else rather than at him. Those eyes make him uneasy but if there was one thing he had noticed from the man in just these short minutes is that Falcon looks directly in the eyes when addressing a person. Almost like he knew what those eyes do to his opponent, a strategy to dismantle and defeat.

"Please, there is a collection of all the best wines you could find in the Bar," he pointed to his right and Easton's eyes reluctantly followed until he spotted the glamourous Bar filled with all the exquisite wines and he wouldn't be caught dead requesting any. "So if that isn't up to your taste, speed dial Marshall and he will bring you your best."

For a man as wealthy as this, Falcon was exceptionally humble. He didn't seem so scary once he had warmed up to his presence, surely that scary aura still hovers but it didn't seem to push him onto his knees anymore rather it made him calm. Now they just looked like two old pals sitting together for a drink after having not seen each other in a long time. This discovery calmed Easton's racing heart and he began to relax a little in his presence.

But, My Alexander, he had said.

When had Alexander become his? And what right does he hold to claim Alexander with such aggressive conviction?

In any case, he wouldn't be leaving that office until he's had all his doubts cleared and questions answered.

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