Chapter 4

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The song above is made for my this character. :p

Mystery Person

There are days when you think that the fate is not on your side. But I guess I could say that for whole life fate wasn't on my side. If I recall all 25 years of my life, I had only been happy for 6 months. Those six months were the best of my life. I felt complete and content.

Although it was the age when you don't even know what happiness means but still I felt it. When he used to smile it felt like my world has stopped. I used to get lost in his eye. I wanted to give him the world because he deserved it.

His boxy smile, his uneven hooded eyes, his slender finger intertwined in mine perfectly. The shine in his deep brown orbs when we used to play under sunlight. Oh God I will sell my soul to feel it again. To be the reason of his happiness again. If I had to pay the cost, I would in a heartbeat. I wish it was that simple but it's not.

I have lived my life in shadows. Keeping him safe. Looking out for him. Being his guardian angel. I am okay with it as long as my other half is happy. They say ignorance is bliss. I wonder if it's same for him too? Is he happy by not knowing me?

Oh how I wish I could confront him and ask answers to all my questions. But I am not that selfish I know that the day I came in front of him will be the day I might lose him forever. I know whenever I confront him, he will be the one to pay the price and I can't stand the fact of hurting him. Not until I set things right.

I can't risk it. I am happy with the mere idea of having him in my life one day. We all love to live in fantasy right. I guess because it takes our pain away for the time being. It takes us away from reality and gives us the illusion of being happy.

Sometimes you have to repent for sins you haven't committed. You have to burn in the hell you haven't created. You have to seek salvation even if it takes your whole life. This is what I am doing.

There are times when I crave for him, even if it means just having a glimpse of him. Today is one of those days. I woke up feeling empty, cold and desperate for touch. His touch. I know it's not possible not until I am in this damnation. Isn't it funny how you crave for those things you have never even tasted once.

I glanced at the other side of bed. It's empty, like my body. My mind plays tricks on me assuming him, lying on the other side. I smiled at this illusion. Then suddenly reality checked in. I sighed on my helplessness and got up form bed. I had to see him even if it's for a few seconds.

He is like a drug to me, keeps me sane. My inner demon forces me to do things that are not imaginable. That's why I had to keep him inside by having satisfaction of his glimpse. Struggling with my thoughts I got dressed.

It's 1:45 p.m. and I am standing in front of CIB building where he is working from past 3 years. Yes, he doesn't know me but I know him.

In fact, I know every tiny detail about him. From his waking up to going to bed I know everything. His friends, his colleagues, his spare time interest, his favorite café, his regular drinking place, his favorite drink when he goes to bar, the place he goes to when he is down and his relationships.

He hadn't many. He had only two during his whole life. One when he was in high school. it was only for 3 months and the girl dumped him. Second one was in his last year of college for 6 months. That guy had to leave him for moving to another country. I wonder if that was the case?

Sometime I wonder Taehyung is some saint. I wonder if a damned guy like me deserve him.

I am not a stalker like Joe Goldberg from You, although I sound like one. I am someone who will love Taehyung unconditionally even if it's from a distance.

I was waiting for him standing against the tree when I saw him running towards the building. It seemed that he was in rush. Maybe, his boss is giving him hard time. He stopped when someone called him. Yes, none other than Kim Fucking Seokjin.

I am okay with that Jimin guy. He is a brother to Taehyung. But Seokjin makes my skin crawl. He has been too good to him. Ideal if I say so. What if Taehyung falls in love with him? What if he makes him happier more than me? This mere thought made tears forming in the corner of my eyes.

They talked for a few minutes. I could see the uneasiness in Taehyung's expressions. I was trying to read their lips to know what was the matter when all of sudden he kissed Taehyung's forehead. I clenched my fists.

A part of me wanted to approach them and punch Seokjin in face. But I had to control. I can't risk everything in the hands of jealousy. I can't take it anymore. I turned away making my way towards my car when my phone started ringing.


"Boss, there's been a suicide case at Hotel Sotetsu Fresa that is located in Myeong-dong", the voice on the other side said hurriedly.

"So what about it?", I asked annoyingly.

"Chief is planning to send Taehyung as leading officer for this case. The initial team sent for searching the crime scene suspects it to be a mere suicide", the voice on the other side informed.

"hmmm... okay", I replied and dismissed the call.


Any guess who's this mystery person?

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Salvation | Taekook ✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang