Chapter 47

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Kim Seokjin

It's been a week since Taehyung is in coma. I, Jimin and his parents stayed by his side for solid two days. We were so hopeful for him to gain conscious. Even though doctor told us that there is no said time. Jimin still goes to him after closing his studio. Mr. and Mrs. Park also visit him on alternate days.

Choi Wooshin is now transferred to Seoul Central Jail and yesterday was the first hearing of case. Jeon Group's law firm is cunning they are going to fight till end manipulating all the evidences. They have demanded another investigation on the case. There is no order from court on that yet. Also, Jeon Jungkook haven't made any appearance so far. His law firm presented the evidences of him being in another country at the time of both crimes happened.

I was at work when I received call from hospital regarding my grandmother. She was ill. I immediately left for Busan after letting Jimin know.

I never had a chance to see my parents. My mother died a few months after my birth and my father was always being MIA. My grandmother was everything I had. When I moved to Seoul, I asked her to move with me there. But she said she doesn't want to interfere in my life. Also, she said she prefer living here with her neighborhood.

When I went to hospital she was under anesthesia and sleeping. I sat by her side. Doctors told me that she had an asthma attack. Her lungs are so weak now they would give up anytime.

I regretted for not visiting her this month. Being an adult you never know when your life would become this fucked up that you can't even manage to spare time for your loved ones. You work your whole life, get settled, have kids, raise them up, then you grow old and end up all alone again. Those who find love in this journey, their burden of regret might lessen. But those who don't have to bear the burden alone till end. I don't know where I'll end up.

Life doesn't work the way you want it too. No matter how intelligent you are, it'll fuck you up in its own ways. I was helping Namjoon to save Taehyung and grandma. Now look where I am? Both of them fighting between life and death.

"Seokjin-ah.... Are you here?"

"Yes halmoni, I am here."

"Good, Good, I have missed you."

"I have missed you too. Why don't you take care of yourself? Huh?" I said tears rolling down my eyes.

"Seokjin-ah I am afraid my time is near......"

"Please halmoni please don't say this....." I said crying bitterly.

"No Seokjin-ah listen to me. Don't cry my dear. Everyone has to go through this. It is the vital part of living. You know death makes life more meaningful. If we humans have surety to live forever then this life would not be thrilling and exciting as this is now. It gives us a purpose to achieve and cherish. I have had a long life of 86 years.....besides I am looking forward to meet your grandpa" she smiled. "I have so many memories some bad but most of them are good. When I close my eyes, I don't feel any regrets and I think that when you have no regrets looking back that's what you call it a perfect life." she paused.

"You know what makes life more beautiful Seokjin?" I shook my head.

"Love. Love makes your life worth living. It makes it beautiful. It isn't always the first time you find perfect love. You might have few mishaps along the way but if you keep looking love will come to you one day and true love happens when you are least expecting it. True love is like a gush of spring the midst of winter. It is like first rain in the summer that washes away all your worries. I found this kind of love in your grandfather. Even the true love isn't easy to come by. You will face a lot of difficulties and tests. That's where the choice comes in. You have to keep choosing your love each day no matter what. My wish was to see you with your love in my life time. To see you cherishing and happy. But I guess I'll see you from up." she said squeezing my hand.

"No grandma you'll see it here. With me. You aren't going anywhere. You will get well soon and I'll take you to Seoul with me. Taehyung and Jimin also miss you." a fresh batch of tears started pouring down.

"Ahhhh my kids. Wish them luck from my side Seokjin'ah may they live happily."

I was quiet looking at her and kissing the back of her hand.

"There was a letter from your father that arrived few weeks ago. But due to my health I couldn't post it to Seoul. Do check it when you get back home."

"Okay. But I am not leaving until you'll go with me."

"Oh my Jin'ah.... Will you promise me something?" I nodded.

"Promise me that you will stay true to yourself, don't make any decisions that will make you regret and hold onto love when it comes to you?"

"Yes grandma I promise. But how will I know if I found the right one?"

She lifted her hand to my chest and placed it on my heart. "You'll feel it in here. Your heart..... Your heart will guide you. You won't be having any control over it. It'll be effortless. When you find a person that will be ready to accept you for who you are and you are ready to accept them with all their goods and bads, then this thing right here in your chest will tell you what to do."

"You sound like a love guru halmoni." I said smiling.

"Stay happy my kid. You are one of the blessings I cherish every day. Your aura is pure. Don't let yourself fall in darkness. You are the one who pull others out of it not the other way around."

Her words hit me like a revelation. It was like she could see right through me.

Her breathing became slower and she closed her eyes.

"Halmoni? Halmoni? Stay with me please. Halmoni?"

She opened her eyes for a little while smiling at me and then they were closed. Forever. As her heart beat stopped on the monitor. A flat line. I cried. I called doctors but she was moved on. Moved on to another world. She was so peaceful. Her lips slightly curving upwards as if she was sleeping.

Is there really some place where our souls go? And stay there for eternity? Or is it just a pretty dream to make reality like death easy?

This was so emotional for me to write 😭😭😢

Love from my side ❤️

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