Chapter 49

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Kim Hooyoung's Letter.

My Dear Son,

Kim Seokjin,

By the time you will find this letter I might not be alive. Well, for you I've been dead since forever. I know any apology of mine will not cover the damage that I've done to you. I have been a horrible father. I couldn't be by your side though out your life. And still look at you. You've turned out great. Like your mother.

You know when you were born. I was the happiest that day. You resembled just like your mother. My Sunhee. She was the kindest soul I've ever seen. I fell in love with her in high school and we married during our college days. Those years wers best of my life. Then God blessed us with you. Your mother named you Seokhun. 'Bloom in the darkness.' You pretty much was like your name. But you know they say some souls are so lost that there are no saving them. Like me. Your mother died a few months after your birth. She was the one that was keeping me sane. After that I lost my self totally. I had no urge of living.

Whenever I looked at you. You reminded me of her and the moments I spent with her. Despite of being in poverty, with her I felt like the richest person on Earth but with her gone. I was nothing.

I joined Jeon Group of Industries. I drowned myself into work. A few years later I became one of Jeon Woosung's most trusted men. He was really kind and just man. Humble but authoritative. I couldn't even serve him properly.

One day I was abducted from my place. I didn't know them who they were or why they threatened me. They said that they will kill you and my mother if I didn't do as I say. They said I have to kill two people to save the two I lobe most in the wor. Mr. Kim Jongdae & Kim Hyunshi. I was so naive for not going to Mr. Jeon Woosung and asking for his help. I was so terrified at that time. So terrified of losing you and my mother.

So I did what they asked me. I murdered them in cold blood. They were begging for their life but I was so cruel and doomed. I deserve hell for this.

After the deed was done. They threatened me to frame Jeon Woosung for their murder. I thought about it for days but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

He was always good to me. He gave me more than I deserved. I couldn't bring myself to betray him. I went to him and confessed everything. Although I killed someone that was very dear to him he still forgave me and helped me. He said that I'll get my punishment from the law.

I confessed everything in the court and in return Jeon Woosung took you and my mother in his care. He promised to keep you safe from the ones who wanted to kill you.

For all these years he has kept his promise. He is the one who helped me changing your identity making everyone believe that you were dead. He supported your education. His kindness for a sinner like me, tells how good of a man he is.

Today is the day, when I got released after serving 17 years of imprisonment for the murders I committed. Jeon Woosung is not any more to protect you. To protect us and those people are still lurking around us.

I met Jeon Woosung's son Jeon Jungkook today. He asked for my help. But I can't help me because if I help him. Tell him truth your life would be in danger. Once again I am being selfish. Once again I am choosing you over others.

Forgive me son. Forgive me for everything I have done to you. If you find my letter then please know that I am gone and not here to protect you anymore. Son, please don't be like me. Don't be like your ungrateful and sinner father.

If it comes to a day when you identity gets revealed and you are in danger. Please find Jeon Jungkook, the heir of Jeon group of companies. Show him this letter. He will help you and keep you safe.

I don't have a legacy which I can transfer to you but I've something that might help you in future. My letters will help you in that matter.

Once again forgive your father. I wish you well and always praying to God for your safty.

Your father,



Love from my side 💜

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