Chapter 16

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to @Rubyross2336, thank you for you precious comments. I am really happy that you enjoyed the story.

Mysterious Person

*flashback starts*

"Look what I brought you? Here, have this they are so sweet", I screamed with joy while handing him baked sweet potatoes.

He was crying burying his head in palm.

"Hey Taebear why are you crying? Hey look at me." I took his hands apart to have a look at his face.

"I... I miss Aomma and Appa. Why they left me alone." he hiccupped.

"Taebear look at me here look", I made him to look at me. "Why you're saying you are alone? Did you forget that we are friends. I am here for you."

"Bu...ut if you leave me too?" he said shaking.

"No, I will not. I promise here look....." I said while taking his pinky finger into mine and entangling them.

"I am scared." he let out.

"Don't be scared", I hugged him.

"Whenever I used to get scared Aomma said I don't have to worry. She will be my guardian angel. Now she is gone and I am all alone and scared." he sobbed against my shoulder.

I pulled apart looking at him "No you still have a guardian angel. It's me. I will be your guardian angel."

"How can you be my guardian angel; you are a kid like me?"

"It doesn't matter, I said I am your guardian angel and I'll protect you hyung." I said smiling at him.

"Now eat this. I'll feed you." I said offering him a piece of sweet potatoes.

*flashback ends*

I was snapped back from my thoughts when phone rang.

"Yes.... What is the news?"

"Boss, I did my best to take Taehyung from this case but he and chief are both being stubborn."

"I can understand. What about forensics or any other evidences?"

"They haven't found anything on security footage, but at one place you can be seen talking to Mr. Kim Hooyoung. But it is way too blur and dim for running a recognition test. Also it was found that he was strangled but the object with which he was strangled hasn't been found on the crime scene."

"He told me he was doing this to protect his son. He lost his son 17 years back. If he relly lost him then what is he protecting now? He was protecting him all this time and he is still alive. I want you to dig up on his son."

"Sure. Boss. Also Taehyung is studying this case deeply he might soon find out about the arson case. Although chief told him to bury it as a suicide case because there is no evidence but still he is focused."

"Alright. Let him do whatever he wants. I can't keep it from him forever", I sighed and hung up the call.

I have kept my promise till this day. Even if it means staying away from him and I'll keep doing this as long as I can. But from past few days the events are getting out of my hands. Fate is conspiring against me. Well it wasn't on my side from the first day but now the situation is getting worse. The more I am trying to protect him day and night the more fate is making it complicated.

Fate has mysterious ways of playing games as it was played once. They say long ago time fell in love with fate and all the forces in universe separated them. They shattered fate into pieces. And everything was left to chances. Chances don't fell into love for a longer time. Until this day the fate pulls it self together occasionally and time is still waiting.

Will fate pull itself together for me or will I be waiting as time till eternity. For now, I'll let fate play with me. I'll play along with it until my last breath.


Lol I know y'all were waiting for taekook date. But give this mysterious person a little be attention too... 😜😜

Love from my side. Keep commenting and voting. ❤️❤️✨

Your comments give me butterflies. 🦋🦋✨

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