Chapter 25

824 52 13

Kim Seokjin

It was third day being locked up in this room. I get bored staring up all those walls and tv. How much you can entertain yourself by tv. You get bored at some point. The window inside my room wasn't designed to give much view only the side lawn could be seen. I guess it is for security purposes. I mean if you are running shady business and kidnap people you might not want your captives/guests to find out where you house is located and how it looks like.

Namjoon said last night that he will tell me what I am supposed to do. It's 5 in the evening now and still there is no sign of him.

Other than that everything was pretty normal. Earlier Hoseok visited my room. Asking me if I was feeling okay. He told me that some guy named Taehyung was calling me. Boss told him to convey me to make a call and tell my friend that everything is fine. I called Taehyung and told him that I'll be back to work tomorrow.

It was nice to have a little chat with Hoseok. He seems to be a good guy but why he was working in a place like this. Working for a person like Namjoon. It was again another mystery.

While working in lab when I get stuck on something that I cannot solve I become restless. I dedicate my days and nights to solve them to find answers. But now my whole life is turned into a mystery. What am I supposed to do now? How would I solve this? I might go crazy till reaching the far end.

It was almost 9pm when my dinner came. I had no appetite for it. I told the guard that I would have it later. I was restless pacing all over the room. Thinking and rethinking all the events. Eventually I halted in front of the window it was slightly lit outside with some light coming from far away.

I was lost in the mess of my thoughts until I saw someone dragging Namjoon along grabbing from his arm. It looked like the man was in his late fifties or early sixties. He jerked Namjoon's arm motioning him to stand infront of him which resulted Namjoon lose his balance and he fell on ground. That man grabbed Namjoon's collar making him stand landing a punch on his face. I could clearly see that the guy was wearing some ring. That resulted a cut on Namjoon's cheek from which the blood was seeping now.

He stood there keep yelling at Namjoon who was now looking to the ground. I couldn't hear anything due to the distance and window's glass. That scene last for 5-7 minutes and after that the old man left. Namjoon was still standing there. Soon after he dropped his knees to the ground hiding his face in his palms crying. Even from this distance I could tell how hurt and vulnerable he is in that moment. I wondered who that man was and what did he say to Namjoon. Why he was like that? He sat there for a while and wiped of his tears standing up maintaining his composture he walked ways somewhere out of my view.

I felt sorry for him. Was that old man his father the same guy who was yelling at him when I gained my consciousness that day? I mean who else would treat Namjoon like that.

When I gained consciousness that day I literally thought that it was last day of my life. I could get to say good bye to Taehyung and my grandma. I regretted everything that I left on the thought of doing later in life. You never know when your life comes to an end. It could be any day or any minute. Still we insignificant creatures think that our life is ours to plan. We can pick whatever we want at the moment and leave rest of later.

I was awake till 2am expecting Namjoon to make an appearance but he didn't come. I laid down on bed trying to bring myself to sleep.

A little after I heard the door of my room open. Guards won't come at this hour. It could only be Namjoon. I didn't move. I pretended like I was sleeping. Is he here to kill me in my sleep? I made a mental note that how would I save myself if he try to do something.

I felt him sitting on bed close to my hips. He lifted up the blanket carefully and checked on my wrists. Then he moved a little back and lifted the blanket from my feet to do the same. He dragged the blanket till my neck making sure I was covered and then he left the room. I let my breath out that I didn't know I was holding until then.

I felt a unsettling emotion inside me. Something dropping down in the pit of my stomach. Tears started to roll down my face. He was here to check my wounds when he was miserable himself just a few hours. Why was he like this? What made him like this?

I woke up next day with a knock on my door. Soon after Hoseok came in, "Mr. Kim boss has requested you to take a bath before your breakfast is served. Here are you clothes change into them. After breakfast you will be dropped at your residence."

With this he stormed out of the room leaving clothes on the couch.

I took a bath and changed into the clothes. As soon as I did breakfast Hoseok came again.

"Mr. Kim here wear this" he said giving me a blind fold "I will escort you to the car. You will be dropped at your residence. You can resume your routine activities. Boss wants you to retrieve all the information that CIB has on Mr. Kim Hooyoung's case until further instruction. He instructed you to not speak any of this with anyone. We will be keeping an eye on you. If he found you a slight bit going off the track you will be held responsible for the consequences. You are not allowed to leave this city and country also."

"Where is your boss? I want to see him?"

"My apologies on his behalf, he is not here at the moment."

I scoffed and did what he tell me to do. I was bound to wear blind fold entire way until I was dropped at my apartment. I saw nothing accept the car that dropped me with a number plate. I mentally registered the number in my mind.

What you do when you guys feel extremely low? 🤔🤧

Alots of love from my side 💜

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