Chapter 23

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Kim Seokjin

It was Sunday and I had no fucking idea when I'll get out of this place. I told him that I'd do whatever he asks me. Then why he didn't tell me what he wanted. What is the point of keeping me here? I wonder what Taehyung will be doing today. We mostly plan Sunday evenings together with Jimin. Will they be missing me?

I waited whole day for Namjoon but he didn't come. His men kept bringing food and snacks at respective times for me though out the day. Was it due to my comment last night? Was he being stubborn now?

It was 11:30 p.m. and I was pacing in this room furiously thinking of dozen things in my head. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even heard the open and closing of the door.

"Can't sleep huh?" I heard the voice I waited for whole day.

He was wearing a suit. Does this guy always wear a suit? It's 11:30 in the night for God's sake.

"I am not a sound sleeper."

"Why? Any specific thoughts." he said placing his coat on the arm rest of the couch and settling himself on it.


"Come on sit here." he said placing his hand on the couch.

I took a seat at the other end of the couch.

"Well by now you know Seokjin I have no intention of harming you. I just want your assistance on one or two matters. Then I'll set you free and I promise after that you will never see my face again. Also, I'll not cause any harm to you and your loved ones."

"But I still have this impression that you're not being completely honest with me." he looked at me waiting for my response.

"Whatever I told you yesterday was truth. If you need any evidence, I'll provide you to prove it."

He laughed, "Well you told me that Kim Taehyung isn't your boyfriend. Then how will you explain this." he placed photos of me and him kissing outside from two nights prior.

I could feel my cheeks heated up with embarrassment.

"Answer me Seokjin, I am waiting." he said calmly.

"This was a mistake we both were drunk." I told him everything that happened that night.

"Hmmm.... So you think of him as a little brother. Well I almost pitied you last night while thinking you were being cheated on by him." he laughed placing another set of pictures in front of me.

It was Taehyung kissing and hugging a guy. But I couldn't tell who he was because his face wasn't in proper angle. Also they seem to be in some public place.

Well I was a bit surprised that Taehyung had a boyfriend and he didn't tell me. I silently prayed that he was in right hands.

"Did you know that Taehyung is dating this guy?"

"No I didn't."

"Hmmm.... I see."

"Are you stalking Taehyung?"

"I am keeping an eye on everyone who is close to you. So don't ever think of betraying me."

"I told you spare them I'd do what you want, as long as it doesn't include killing someone."

He laughed again, "I have no intention like this. I just want you to help me punishing someone who was involved in destroying my family. Besides your hands are too precious to be painted with foul blood." he said while looking at my hands.

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