Chapter 28

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The song goes with this chapter. (Too Late by The Weeknd) 👆🏼

Kim Seokjin

It's been three days since I've resumed my life after that kidnapping incident. I've managed to retrieve all the information that he asked me on Kim Hooyoung's case. I've tried to occupy myself with lab work. I spend all the time working there. Burying myself in piles of work. I can't talk to anyone about what happened and I have no fucking idea what is going to happen further. How I am supposed to stay sane among all these chaos?

I also tried spent time with Taehyung and Jimin as they are my friends but it seems nothing like before. I feel like I don't connect anymore. I zone out while someone is taking to me. I lose my appetite in midst of eating. I can't bring myself to sleep. I tried to drown myself in alcohol past two nights but still I couldn't sleep. Then I took medication to bring sleep to my eyes.

It was like this feeling I am not sure about. You can say it's like curiosity when I am stuck on a theory and cannot solve it. But this feeling is ten times the magnitude of that curiosity. So the restlessness is also ten times more in magnitude.

It's like feeling of withdrawal. But withdrawal of what? Answers? Reasons? Solutions? Truth? Attention? Attention of whom?

I invited Taehyung and Jimin to our regular place to find escape from my thoughts. It was good spending time with them but it wasn't fulfilling. I also met Taehyung's boyfriend Jungkook. He seems a nice guy but I had this hunch that there is something off with that guy. Maybe I am too paranoid these days seeing everything in grey. Taehyung was really happy and I was happy for him too.

I didn't bring myself to drink much tonight. I thought maybe a rough fuck would take my anxiety away.

In bar when a guy tried to approach me I took it as my chance. When he started to kiss me I felt the need to throw up. It felt wrong, not fulfilling. I pushed him away and came back home.

I opened the door. Threw my keys and coat in some direction. Stripped from my clothes on the way to bathroom to take a shower in hopes of maybe it could clear my thoughts.

I came back from the shower wearing my robe. I was on my way to kitchen when I felt someone's presence in my living room. I am going crazy how could be that possible. I have security lock in my apartment that no one can invade. I picked up a china vase on my way to check living room. I halted in my steps when I heard his voice.

"How have you been?"

There it was. Suddenly, I felt my nerves getting calmer.


He didn't answer instead he stood up from the couch and started moving towards me. I was froze at my place not daring to move an inch. He grabbed the vase that I was hold in my hand.

"This can't kill me Seokjin." he said nearing his lips to my ear.

"How you came inside?"

"I have my ways." He placed the vase on table and settled himself back on the couch.


"Are you going to interview me now?"

I snapped out of my shock, "Oh pardon me where are my manners?

I went to the kitchen and brought back wine and glasses. I poured it in and placed one in front of him on the table.

"Seokjin how you have been?"

"Ummmm I guess you're suspecting that I may have poisoned it let me taste it for you."

I stood up from the couch moved towards his side and settled myself on his lap. I picked his glass and took a sip from it. "Here, it isn't poisoned" I said while placing glass into his hand.

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