Chapter 7

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Kim Jungkook

I was busy preparing for my shift. When my eyes fell on that ethereal officer again. I wondered why he was still here when his team already left earlier. I followed him to the hotel kitchen. My priority was to make a conversation with him again.

I saw him asking for the manager to open the pantry door at the back. During all this time I hid inside the liquor storage of the pantry.

He got out of the door. I waited for him for a few minutes. When he didn't come back I got out of the door to only see him running down the street.

It felt odd so I followed him. Who knows he might need back up. I hid at the side of dumpster when I saw him fighting with some guy. Suddenly, I heard a loud thud on the ground.

I peeked my head to see him fallen on the ground. Without a second thought I ran to him. I tried to ask him that what happened. When he mumbled some name 'Jin hyung' and passed out.

I panicked, carried him in my arms and took him to my hotel room. He was really light for his height and body frame. I rested him on the bed and checked his pulse. His pulse was now normal. I let out a sigh of relief that at least he was alive.

He was unconscious lying on the bed. I took off his shoes. Checked him if he got any injuries during the fight. But there were none. His skin as smooth as satin.

I studied his features deeply. Even being unconscious he was looking ethereal. Might be the finest man I laid my eyes on. His lips were so full and ripe. His forehead was decorated with sweat beads. I removed them with my thumb.

My thumb automatically trailed down to his cheek. I mindlessly caressed it. As it was the rightest thing to do in this entire world. Them my thumb trailed down to his lips. I brushed them. I felt thirsty. Not for water but for his lips. My thumb lingered a few minutes on his lips then trailed down to his chin. Time seem to have stopped while I was looking at him.

The mole on his nose made him more attractive. I leaned down to his face to see him more closely. I thought how would it feel to kiss him? How would it feel to see his face every day? I leaned more to peck him but something in me stopped me. What if he isn't into men? Woah am I sick in my mind to do it without his consent. I lifted up my back stared at him for a while then peck at his forehead. When he started mumbling.

"Jj..jin hyung......", It was almost in audible. I panicked and retreated from him as much as I can.

Jin hyung? Is he his boyfriend. Oh God no, what if he is taken already? I was thinking with all the possibilities with this Jin guy. When he opened his eyes finally.

"Hey, Taehyung how are you? Are you okay now? Here drink this."

He took the glass. Had water and returned it back.

"How do you now my name?"

Is this guy for real? I mean you are a detective practically roaming the hotel all day and then getting all suspicious on how I know his name.

I smiled at something in the distance. Then gestured towards him, "Your badge."

"So how are you feeling?" I asked.

"I am okay. Were you stalking me?", he talked back.

He really sounded rude. "And why would I do that? I was there to receive the liquor shipment when I saw you running like a fool." I talked back.

"Oh Sorry if I offended you... So you work as a bartender here?"

"Yes", he smiled.

He was about to leave when I stopped him. He made calls to two different guys. The second one was that Jin guy. I scoffed at his name. This Jin guy is gonna be a problem in my way.

I was lost in thoughts I didn't know I was looking at him.

"It's 8:30 shouldn't be you on your shift?", he asked

"Do you have a habit or it's your job to play little detective 24/7?", I smirked.

"No, I just don't want you to skip work because of me." He said slowly.

"I told the other guy that something urgent came up. He will cover for me", I told him.

"Oh.... Okay. So, taking an unconscious guy into a room is you emergency....." he laughed.

I was stunned at this unthankful guy's audacity, "I couldn't leave you in middle of the street. I didn't know where else I should take you. I panicked."

"I was kidding, What's your name hot mysterious guy?"

My eyes went wide at his confidence. He was bold. I said stretching my hand out, "Jungkook. Kim Jungkook."

I want y'all to assume this JK in this fanfic

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I want y'all to assume this JK in this fanfic........

"It's nice to meet you Jungkook", he smiled and completed the handshake.

"It's nice to meet you too Taehyung."

"How old are you?" he asked me.

"I am 25."

His eyes went wide with happiness "Then it's hyung to you I am a year older than you".

"Hahahah so you and I are on informal terms now?", he was bold than I guessed.

He raised his eyebrow, "Only if you are okay with it", he looked down feeling shy.

I lifted his chin up to maintained an eye contact with him, I looked in to his eyes, they were mesmerizing. "No, I am more than okay with it", I ensured him.

There was silence between us which was louder than words. It was comfortable silence. We were lost in each other's eyes. I felt the sync in our breath pattern. My eyes trailed down to his lips then back to his eye. It looked like he got the idea but nothing changed. I decoded it as consent from him. I got closer reducing the distance between us. He closed his eyes.

I was about to descend to heaven when his cellphone rang. It broke the heavenly trance we had in between us. We both retreated.

" sorry I am not feeling well. I umm.. Jin hyung is here. I gotta go. Bye Jungkook.", he blurted out without hearing my answer he left the room.

"hey...." I followed him down the corridor. I ran outside the hotel chasing him only to get a glimpse of him sitting in a car with that Jin guy.

"uuughhhhhhhhhhhh......It was so close. I was so close.", I groaned.


Finally JK had made appearance. Now just two members are left... 😋😋

Any guesses for which kind of character will they play?🤔

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Alot of love from my side.💜💜💜

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