Chapter 30

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Mystery Person

I was a seven-year-old kid when for the first time I saw him. I was the only child of my parents. So, I was used to being alone. My father was a businessman. He stayed busy most of the times. My parents got divorced when I was five. My father won the sole custody rights against my mother because she couldn't be trusted with the kid according to the court. Anyways it didn't bother me because I wasn't close to my mother. She was busier than my father as long as I can recall.

My father was a good man. He tried to give me attention as time as much as he could, being a single father. He was the kind hearted person I've seen and he taught me the same. I never felt alone because I never knew in the first place that how it's like to be in someone's company. Until met him. Taehyung.

*Flashback starts*

"Son? Son? Where are you?" my father said loudly entering the hallway.

"Dad! I am here in piano room."

"Oh there you are my little angel. How was your day?"

"It was good dad. Look what I learned today."

I played the new melody that I learnt on piano.

"Wow, my son you did so well."

"Thanks dad."

"Well I have something to tell you or should I say someone to introduce you to."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well son there is this kid who is alone. I want you to be friends with him."

"Why is he alone?"

"My little one, the thing is he lost his parents in an accident. He has no one else in this world accept us. He is a good kid. I want you to become his friend."

"This is sad. Is he sad? Is he crying?"

"Yes he is sad. That's why you should be kind with him. Share your toys and stuff with him. He will living with us now."

"Really dad? Who is he I want to see him?" I let out with excitement clapping my hands.

Dad held my hand and took me to the guest room.

"Hey tae tae. I want you to meet someone. Here, he is my son. He is about your age. You can be friends with him."

I peeked at him waving my hand to get his attention. He was taller than me. So I thought he might be elder than me by a bit.

"Hi, My name is Kim Taehyung." he said extending his hand.

"It's nice to meet you Taehyung. My name is......

*Flashback ends*

My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden ring from my mobile. I looked at the caller ID. It was the person who works for me at CIB.

"Yes, any news?"

"Boss Taehyung found out that Kim Hooyoung was somehow involved with his parent's accident. He also knows that Kim Hooyoung's lost his son 17 years ago. He is certain that he would find answers in Busan. He also asked for chief's permission to go on a field study in Busan but he declined it. Chief is still insisting Taehyung that he is wasting his time it's just a suicide case. But I guess Taehyung will not stop now until he find answers."

"Hmmmmm...I see. What about Kim Hooyoung's lost son. Did you find anything on that? His son might be the key."

"Unfortunately no boss. The last data about his son that can be retrieved is that he used to attend a middle school for boys in Busan before disappearing. Police tried to find him at that time but failed. Other than that there is nothing on him."

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