Chapter 45

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Park Jimin

Today I intended to open studio a bit early because I needed a bit of changes in interior like adding mirrors and equipment. When I started the studio I was on tight budget so I couldn't spend more on interior. Now I have many students. I actually do three shifts each consisting of one and a half hour. Then students practice on their own. I opened the studio and switched on the lights. It feels so wholesome when you are living your dream.

A few minutes after I heard bell chiming on the door. I got out of studio to see if it were workers.

"Mr. Jung?" I was shocked a bit.

"Good Morning Jimin." he said removing his shades.

"I wasn't expecting you sorry. Good Morning Mr. Jung."

"It's okay I am sorry for coming this early. I was just passing by and saw your studio open so I thought to stop by to say hello." he smiled. Fuck man stop smiling. This smile of his will be the death of me.

"Oh alright alright. I just needed some changes in interior so I opened earlier than routine. Take seat please."

"I see. Can I have a coffee? I really love the coffee you make." he said smiling again.

"Umm.... Yeah sure why not." I went inside and made two coffees.

"Here you go Mr. Jung."

"Thankyou Jimin and you can call me Hoseok."

"You're welcome Mr. J.... Hoseok." I chuckled.

"So Min Yoongi is your boyfriend?"

I was caught off guard by his question. "Yeah, he is."

"I didn't think that you had a boyfriend." he said. What was that? Was he disappointed? Is he really interested in me?

"Well surprise." I said laughing bitterly.

"How's he? I mean as a boyfriend."

"Yeah, he...he is great. I mean in every aspect. He takes care of me. He respects me. Always calm and composed. Gives me time and attention. He is all that I need." I said convincing.

He laughed a bit, "Are you sure this is all you need?"

What does he mean? Sometimes he talks in riddles that I can't solve. I am happy, I am happy with Yoongi but it feels like something is still missing.

"Y..Yes I am."

He stood up from the couch. Walked toward my side. My heartbeat was increasing. I was low key panicking. But I tried to keep my face straight. This man is so intimidating. He hovered over me a bit. Staring right into my soul.

"Well I hope what you are saying is true." he said in low voice maintaining eye contact.

He stayed like this. Eyed my lips. Then he slowly lifted his hand up to my mouth and swiped his thumb to the side of my mouth and licked his thumb not leaving my eyes. It was some cream from coffee I guess. I swear my heart was about to burst at that moment.

"It was cream there." he said sitting back.

"Umm...yeah.umm...thank you." I bet my cheeks are red right now as my ears are burning.

There was silence for some time with heavy atmosphere.

"Are you... Are you free this weekend I was thinking to invite you for dinner at my place?" I said.

"Really you want a dinner with me?"

"Yeah why not?"

"Wouldn't your boyfriend mind?"

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