Chapter 33

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This chapter is dedicated to @bgsv_123 , thank you for voting and your precious comments. it made my day <3

Kim Taehyung

It was late at night when I woke up due to dehydration that I was feeling down my throat. I opened my eyes to see that I was alone on the hospital bed. Jungkook wasn't there. I sat up and fetched the water bottle from side table. I laid down again closing my eyes soon falling to sleep.

I am sure I heard the door open. I was pooling back into subconscious state. When I realized a hand moving down on my throat. At first I thought it was Jungkook. But after a few second the grip got tighter around my neck.

"Jungkook this is not funny. " I opened my eyes. He wasn't Jungkook. His face was covered. He was wearing a cap covering his forehead. Room was dimly lit. I started panting and huffing.

"Who...Jungkook?" I tried to scream but my voice betrayed me. I started struggling trying to push his grip away when I saw crown tattoo on his wrist.

"No.. Mom.. Dad.. This.. Can't....." I closed my eyes shut. Panting and shivering. I felt the grip loosen then gone.

"Hey, Tae darling. Look at me... Tae? Open your eyes. Tae I am here."

I opened my eyes slowly to see him. Jungkook. He was here. Did I just saw a nightmare? No I am sure it was real the guy was real.

"Tae what happened?"

"Someone was here. He tried to kill me." I let out panting.

"No Taehyung there was no one. It's just me. Here look at me. Have this." he handed me a glass of water.

"What did you see?"

" was.....this mask. He tried to...kill left me....I was...alone.....darkness.....that tattoo......alone....I was alone......" tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"No Hyung you are safe. You are not alone. I am here without you. Calm down. I'll protect you." he held me close to his chest.

But I was damn sure that this wasn't a nightmare. It was real. I am not hallucinating. Someone tried to kill me. Maybe I am going crazy by the day. I closed my eyes again believing that I'll be safe in his arms.


Next day.

"Hyung are you sure? I think you need rest."

"I'm fine nothing happened to me. I am all well."

"Hyung, may be Soobin can handle this on his own. Right Soobin?"

"Yeah Tae, I'll visit inspector Lee Hyunji and ask him about the case."

"No, you both don't understand. I need to go to meet this retired inspector. He is my only hope. He might be able to give me answers that are not available in the records. He might know something about Jeon Group of Companies where Kim Hooyoung used to work." I yelled at him.

I saw Jungkook shifting his gaze from window towards me for a few seconds then turning back again.

I think he is pissed at me. I get it he is worried about me but he should know that I need to do this. I can't stay put.

"Jungkook" I closed the distance between him and I and held his both hands into mine "Look, I get it. That you are worried about me. I get it but this is my mess that has been haunting me from a long time. I need to put this to an end. I don't want to live in this torment for my whole life. Please try to understand."

He retreated his hands from my hold. Shifting his gaze towards the window.

"Okay. Do whatever you want to. When you're done give me a call. I'll drive you back to Seoul." With this he stormed out of the hospital room.

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