Chapter 57

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Jeon Jungkook

I entered the building and rushed towards the screaming voices. I saw Seokjin tied to a chair and Namjoon standing there with head hung low and that fucking Kim Jongsae standing between them. Taehyung was nowhere to be seen. I gestured some of my men to look around the factory to find Taehyung.

"Where is Taehyung?" I shouted and all the heads turned into my direction.

"Look like we have more company. Well they say the more the merrier." Kim Jongsae laughed.

"I suggest you to drop your weapons." I said.

"Oh you can't threaten me I have a little something for you too." Kim Jongsae gestured his man. He came back bring forward Taehyung. He was walking staring blankly into space.

"Taehyung noooo. Please don't do anything to him." Seokjin shouted.

Taehyung looked around and his eyes fell on me. His eyes were blank. No emotion. That's when I felt he couldn't remember me. But he kept looking at me lifelessly.

"And Jeon don't you dare to play me the minute you move you and this filthy spawn will be shot right in head." Kim Jongdae laughed.

I looked at Namjoon for some kind of support. He was blankly looking at Seokjin spaced out. I looked at Seokjin whose eyes were batted on to Taehyung and Taehyung was staring into space.

I had no other choice.

"Let go Taehyung and Seokjin. I'll give you whatever you want." I said.

"And how do I know you'll not pull any stunt?" he said.

"I'll stay here until you verify. Let them go." I said extending USB towards him.

"I'll stay with him too. Let Seokjin and Taehyung go." Spoke Namjoon.

Thank God I thought this motherfucker was dead.

His men untied Seokjin. He couldn't stand properly. He was badly bruised. He limped towards Taehyung.

"Hoseok escort take them to somewhere safe." Namjoon told the guy who was standing behind him. Probably looked like his right hand or something. I wondered why he cared for Seokjin. He was the one who kidnapped him and threatened him to frame me. I gestured one of my men to go with them. Well you can't blame me I can't trust anyone when it comes to Taehyung.

Kim Jongsae gave that USB to a man of him. Probably asking him to look into it. I knew what is going to happen once they check it. My eyes were at Namjoon. I was waiting him to make an eye contact with me so I could tell him to get his ass ready to fight. But he was constantly looking at floor as if he was mourning someone dead. I wondered what is his deal. Self-proclaim monster.

"There is nothing in it sir. Just useless files." his man said who was searching on laptop attaching the usb I handed.

I was praying that Taehyung and Seokjin were out of this place by now. There was no chance I let this motherfucker have his way with me.

"Seize them. Run. Bring them back here." Kim Jongsae shouted as his men. As soon as they were about to reach out they were encircled by men some men holding guns. They were stepping back now.

"Ahhhh Kim Jongsae what's the hurry. Let's catchup a bit. Shall we?" a voice echoed.

I thought my mind was playing tricks on me hearing this voice. I felt goose bumps along my whole body. I slowly turned around. I saw Seokjin and Taehyung also walking inside behind. Seokjin was holding on to Taehyung as they stood at a bit distance from me.

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