Chapter 49: Jack and Kelly

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Liam's POV

I walk into the bathroom to find Harry staring at himself in the mirror mumbling a bunch of random things. I slowly walk up to him, making a little noise so he knows he's not alone anymore. The look on his face says that this is bad. I want to tell him that he's probably overreacting, but something in his eyes tells me that, right now, he's under reacting.

"Mate, what's up?" I ask cautiously. Harry doesn't move a muscle. Instead, he keeps staring at himself in the mirror like he's trying to think of a way to tell me something without it sounding like he's gone crazy.

"You were right," Harry says. I glance at Louis, but he is just as confused as me and shrugs his shoulders.

"What do you mean, Haz?" Louis asks. Harry finally turns around to look at us.

"We need to get Tara and Niall together. Like, as soon as possible,"  Harry says. I agree that Tara and Niall need to get together, but why do we need to do it soon? Does Harry know something that he's not telling us?

"Harry, tell us everything you know," I demand. Harry looks down at his feet. The contemplating look on his face explains his nervousness. This must be really big for Harry not to be able to tell us right out. And, it seems like Louis has noticed too because he's got a worried expression on his face. Harry keeps his head down. I nod my head to let him think. The room we're in is quite loud, actually. It's got three stalls and two urinals. The sink is small and cracked and the soap dispenser is in no better condition. The paper towel dispenser is broken off so the paper towel roll is just hanging out. The walls look like they were painted a sea blue, but now they look more like a really dirty white. This place must be pretty old to look this bad.

"Hunter was here," Harry says. I snap my eyes to him and Louis' mouth falls open. Harry nods his head sadly. "He was the guy we saw. The one we couldn't remember."

"Wow. He was so close. Do you think he noticed Tara?" I ask. Louis shakes his head violently.

"Doubt it! I mean, did you see that girl he was with? B-E-A-UTIFUL!" Louis shouts. I nod my head as I remember the blonde Hunter was with. "O-Of course, so is Tara."

I laugh as Louis stutters over his words. In my opinion Tara is much prettier than that blonde girl.

"I wonder who the blonde was," I say, more to myself but the others hear.

"Dunno. But, Hunter and her kissed. So, my guess is that this Hunter dude isn't as great as Tara has been telling us," Harry says. He shoves his hands into his pockets and starts swaying a little.

"God! And now he's pulling Tara by a leash because she won't listen to us. He's seeing two girls. What's worse is that Tara is one of the best girls we've ever met. So, when we tell her about Hunter, she's going to freak out and hate us forever," I say, running my hand through my hair a few times. Louis starts tapping his foot. He pulls out his phone and looks down at it.

"Hey. Zayn just texted me. He says that Tara's brother is at the table and that we should come out and talk to him," Louis explains while typing a reply. Harry and I both nod our heads and walk to the bathroom door. Louis doesn't follow us; instead, he just stands where he is and watches us. I turn around to look at him.

"What's wrong, Lou?" I ask. He glances at the urinal and then back at me. I laugh at his stupidity and wave my hand to motion for Harry to follow me. Harry chuckles behind me and we walk outside.

A few minutes later, Louis comes back smiling and relieved. We all walk back to the picnic table we were at to see two new faces. The first one has short brown hair. It's styled in a little swoop at the front. His eyes are brown and his teeth are blindingly white. I can tell through his shirt that he works out. A lot. Height wise, he's about as tall as I am, maybe a little taller. Right now, he's wearing a red shirt and jeans. He looks like a Uni student. The second one is a girl. She has long, brown easy curls and green eyes. Her skin is clear and a perfect white. She looks petite, but I can tell that she has muscles inside her thin arms. She looks about Tara's height and she seems to be a lot like Tara. Her energy and bright smile tells me she's often happy. Right now, she's wearing a blue tank top with a light brown leather jacket over that and jeans. Her make up is done simple, which I like a lot.

"Guys, this is Jack, my older brother, and Kelly, his girlfriend," Tara says, smiling widely. We all shake each other's hands and introduce ourselves. I glance at Tara and see she's trying really hard to keep her cool. I wonder what's up with her, I think. Kelly looks over at her and smiles. Tara puts on a bright smile.

"So, you guys are hanging out with my baby sister?" Jack asks, a tough smile on his face. I can tell he's only joking, but I can see a hint of protectiveness seeping through also.

"That's right, sir!" Louis responds happily. Jack nods his head and looks at each of us in the eye.

"Don't. Hurt. Her. Okay?" Jack says sternly. We all stiffen a bit and nod our heads. This guy sure knows how to scare someone.

"Okay!" Tara interrupts, "Before this gets violent, why don't we all go back to the flat and hang out there."

I nod my head in agreement. We all throw away our empty cups and head to the van. Jack and Kelly tell us they'll follow us to the flat.

Louis drives to the building. We all clamber out and hurry to the top floor. Tara pulls out her key, since none of us are responsible enough to keep ours on us, and opens the door. Not much longer after, Jack and Kelly come knocking on the door. Tara opens the door while we all take a seat in the living area. Niall goes off to see if Liv is back yet.

"Okay! Just take a seat wherever. I'm going to go get a drink. Anyone want anything?" Tara asks. No one says anything so she heads off to the kitchen to get herself a drink.

Tara's POV

I walk to the kitchen and grab a Dr. Pepper. I uncap it, take a long sip, and slam the empty bottle on the counter. Ah, delicious, I think. I pull out another and start walking back to the living area. I find everyone sitting around talking about what Jack and Kelly do.

The second I met Kelly, I instantly started liking Kelly. She seems super nice and she's beautiful. I've known her for only an hour and already I love her like a sister.

"So, Tara. I tried calling you yesterday. You didn't pick up so I never got a chance to congratulate you on finishing your first year of Uni," Jack says. I smile and say thanks whilst the boys and Kelly start dramatically clapping and whooping at my achievement.

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