Preventing Acne

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o r a n g e  &  g r e e n  t h e m e

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o r a n g e  &  g r e e n  t h e m e

This is something most of us tend to panic about and try to keep under control, but sometimes we just don't know what we're doing wrong. Here's a few tips to try to prevent stubborn acne.

~Don't Touch Your Face~
My sister actually has to remind me about this 24/7, so it's practically engraved into my brain. Touching your face transfers all the oils that are on your fingers onto the skin of your face, causing acne to easily appear.

~Wash Your Makeup Brushes~
WASH THEM. REGULARLY. Not only do they get dirty, but they're actually breeding grounds for bacteria so it's a wise choice to wash them often.

~Be Careful with Hair Products~
You know those bumps and pimples along out hairline? Yeah, they're from hair products. Hair spray, gels, oils, and serums aren't meant for our skin so be careful to avoid getting them on your skin. After you use the product, I'd say it'd be best to wash your hands afterwards, that way if you touch your face, it's not as bad as it could've been.

Stress isn't good for your acne, but sometimes the stress from having acne can cause more stress. So do something to help you destress! Take a bath, meditate, watch a movie, talk to a friend, read, whatever you can do to stop the stress from overtaking you.

~Wash Your Pillowcase~
You sleep on your pillow at night, yeah? So wouldn't it make sense that you should wash it? Especially since while you sleep all the oils build up, and get all over your pillow, only to transfer to your face the next night.

~Wash Your Face~
I know you're probably thinking,"Well, duh," but seriously, this is probably the most important thing you can do to get rid of acne. I wash my face two times a day, once in the morning and once at night. Trust me, you'll definitely see improvements within a few days.

~Tea Tree Oil~
Ok, I've never tried this. But I have heard that it works, especially if you're acne prone. Supposedly you're supposed to dab the tea tree oil on your zits, since it's scientifically proven that is more effective than its chemical counterparts when treating acne. (EDIT: I use The Body Shop's tea tree oil anti-imperfection night mask and facial toner... and oh my goodness, it's so amazing.)

~Drink Water~
Water hydrates you! Your body needs it to properly function so that would mean that water could potentially help your acne. I won't say that being dehydrated is the problem, but you should be drinking plenty of water anyways.

~See a Dermatologist~
Dermatologists will be able to decide if your acne is cystic or if you need to take medicine for it, so give them a shot! It might be worth the end result. I've seen a dermatologist and I'm taking medicine for my acne, so if you have the funds available, I highly suggest going.

Question of the Chapter:
Do you have carpet or wood flooring in your bedroom?

My Answer:
I used to have carpet, but we just moved and now I have wood :/

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