Period Hacks

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We're all females here

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We're all females here. So there's no reason we should be ashamed to talk about this, so here I am blessing your feed with the hope that I can help y'all out.

~ Bananas can help relieve cramps

~ Chamomile tea is a muscle relaxant and will help your cramps

~ Avoid salt, extra sodium can make your cramps worse

~ Drink water, it's good to stay hydrated but even better to do so on your period

~ Keep an old towel under your bed for when it's that time of the month, sleeping on it will stain the towel instead of your sheets

~ If you wear pads, put one in your underwear before you shower so you're not fumbling around afterwards. I just find it to be easier

Question of the Chapter:
What color are your eyes?

My Answer:
Blue 💙

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